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DECK MACHINERY & CARGO HANDLING EQUIPMENT REVIEW tary sector. Backlog reportedly includes six shipsets of 57-ton twin boom cargo crane components for new strategic sealift ships (TAKR). Boom and platform assemblies are scheduled to be delivered to NASS- CO and Avondale. Commercial activity centers on Intercon's proprietary connection technology for articulated tug/barges. The Intercon coupler has been ordered for Bouchard's new 10,000-hp ATB, under con- struction at Trinity. Reportedly, Amoco Transportation has ordered two Intercon coupler systems and Penn Maritime of New York has ordered a third Intercon coupler system for a new Eliza class ATB. Circle 50 on Reader Service Card Lake Shore Inc. Lake Shore Inc. has joined a full service contractor team led by Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries, which is compet- ing for the LPD construction con- tract. Lake Shore specializes in the design, manufacture and testing of various types of deck machinery and material handling systems for military and commercial markets. The company provides onsite per- sonnel acting as members of an integrated product team to develop the designs and requirements for various material handling and deck machinery systems. Circle 54 on Reader Service Card Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH Leibherr's C-type shipboard cranes — CBW, CB, CBM, CBG — have reportedly proven to be suc- cessful in all fields of modern cargo handling. The company has recently designed the new CBS series of cranes, specially suited for multi-purpose and heavy-load ves- sels. Circle 101 on Reader Service Card Markey Machinery Co., Inc. Markey Machinery Co., Inc. builds all types of custom marine deck equipment including towing, research, mooring, escort tug hawser winches, traction systems, windlasses and capstans. In the last year, Markey has reportedly delivered three traction winch sys- tems and six CTD winches to Trinity Marine for installation on the new AGOR class research ves- sels. Each winch system includes complete controls and instrumen- tation. A double drum tow winch was built for Bouchard Transportation, and Wilmington Transportation purchased a single drum hawser winch for its converted combi-tug San Pedro. Current projects include tow winches for American Offshore and Bouchard Transportation, and a complete shipset of deck equip- ment for the new Crowley tractor tugs. Circle 48 on Reader Service Card McElroy Machine & Manufacturing Co., Inc. McElroy offers a complete line of winches, hoists and capstans. Additionally, the company special- izes in the manufacture of custom winches and other marine deck equipment. The company's prod- uct line includes anchor windlass- es, storage reel and specialized deck machinery. Circle 61 on Reader Service Card Morgan Marine, WRM Inc. Morgan Marine, WRM Inc., dis- tributes a wide range of hydraulic articulated and telescopic marine cranes. Capacities range from 9,500 ft ./lb. to 210,00 ft./lb. These lightweight, high-capacity marine cranes reportedly stow compactly, yet offer reach and capacities uti- lizing modern hydraulic systems and high strength steel fabrication design. Circle 51 on Reader Service Card Morris Mechanical Handling Morris Mechanical Handling, part of P&H Materials Handling, is involved in the manufacturing of ship-to-shore gantry cranes, rub- ber tyred gantries (RTG) and rail WINCHES Single or Multi-Drum Traction • Anchoring Mooring • Towing WINDLASSES CHAIN JACKS CHAIN STOPPERS FAIRLEADERS Custom Designed Products for Your Specific Needs since 1947 TSE INTERNATIONAL. INC. 5301 Shreveport-Blanchard Highway Shreveport. LA 71107 U.S.A. Phone: 800-825-2402 Fax: 318-929-4853 TIMBERLAND EQUIPMENT LIMITED P.O. Box 490, 459 Industrial Ave. Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7Z2 CANADA Phone: 800-387-1892 Fax: 519-539-5853 EY- to blind a line. TIME. One man can change the blind in minutes vs two men in hours. Better, faster, safer = savings. RELIABLE. Absolute downstream protection. No leakage, no seepage, no surprises, less maintenance = savings. STOCKING. Standard sizes and materials (Model 601A-J) are in stock ready to ship. Less downtime = savings. COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN. Call us if you have a special need. Buy exactly what you need. No more . . . no less = savings. VARIETY. Made in all sizes, pressures, materials and codes. COST. Priced right... Little or no maintenance .. Easy fast, reliable, and versatile. All adds up to make Stacey line blinds the best value on the market. August, 1996 Circle 303 on Reader Service Card STACEY1 FETTEROLF CORPORATION Made in U.S.A P.O. Box 103. Skippack. PA 19474 • Tel: (610) 584-1500 • Fax: (610) 584-5904 Circle 233 on Reader Service Card 39