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Maritime Administration News In its approval, MarAd noted that Farrell needed a vessel to maintain operating schedule in- tegrity in its services while the Export Freedom undergoes re- quired drydocking, thereby contin- uing to meet the needs of Farrell's shipping customers. In addition, MarAd found and determined that no suitable U.S.-flag vessel is available on any practical basis for the period coinciding with the required drydocking schedule of the Export Freedom. Cenac granted approval to sell barges Cenac Towing Co., Inc., Houma, La., has received approval from MarAd to sell the barges CTCO 3024 and CTCO 3025 to Compania Argentina Depetroleo S.A., an Ar- gentinean corporation. The barges will be transferred to Argentinean registry. The 1,713-gt barges were built in Houma, La. Updated U.S. Merchant Marine Data Sheet available MarAd has updated its quarterly report, U.S. Merchant Marine Data Sheet, as of October 1, 1995. Limited copies are available from MarAd's Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, 400, 7th St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20590, tel: (202) 366-5807. MarAd enters agreements to enhance U.S. shipyard competitiveness MarAd has entered into several cooperative agreements to enhance the competitiveness of American shipyards. An agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation, MarAd is acting as an agent for the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). Cooperative agreements under ARPA's Maritech program are awarded on a competitive basis. Participation in the industry-initi- ated Maritech program is one ele- ment of the President's plan to strengthen America's shipbuilding industry. One goal is to retain the critical shipyard journeyman skills necessary to build future naval combatants and to help preserve a shipbuilding mobilization base in the U.S. MarAd has entered into a cooper- ative agreement with Halter Mar- ine, Inc., Gulfport, Miss., to devel- op a high-technology, high-capaci- ty, environmentally-friendly pas- senger/vehicle ferry. The ferry will be designed to be built using alu- minum construction with gas tur- bine engines. It would carry 2,000 people and 450 vehicles at a com- petitively high speed. The total value of the 30-month agreement is $5,041,414. The government will fund half the cost, with Halter Marine, Inc. providing the remain- der in cash and in-kind services. The agency has entered into a cooperative agreement with the Smartbridge Consortium located in Syracuse, N.Y. The technology involved is a total bridge and ship integration system. The system would accommodate a combination of upgraded and new sensors (ra- dar-infrared, electro-optical) and a navigational display which could evolve into a fully compliant elec- tronic chart display. It also would include an information system (ECDIS), an integrated sensor dis- play and an automated advis- ory/decision aid for piloting and (Continued on page 54) This IS NO There is no substitute for experience, knowing you can rise to the challenge of the job. At SAFKCO Credit, we're seasoned professionals. We've worked with thousands of companies in virtually every industry over the last 25 years, providing lending expertise and market insight. And since we lend our ow n money and make our own decisions, you can usually get the financing you need within days. To put our experience to work for you, call your SAFKCO Credit representative at 1-800-241-7476. ^ SAFECO Credit Circle 221 on Reader Service Card January, 1996 13