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Inventory Locator Service Allows Rapid Parts Location Inventory Locator Service (ILS) is termed by its creators an elec-^ tronic marketplace that brir buyers and sellers together^^LS encompasses all segment^^f the marine industry, and concentrates on providing accurals, helpful information so its cliei/s can close the best deals. Parts availability! is readily determined using tha ILS system. The user can locatl parts with either a part numller or model number and description. ILS allows the ufcer to locate parts worldwide verj quickly, send a message broadcast to everyone accessing ILS at [the time to request emergency hfelp. ILS Direct is a metlod of commu- nicating with the marine market- place electronically. As an ILS sub- scriber, each client las a private electronic mailbox Ithat allows users to exchange messages across the globe with other ILS users, or send messages to virtually any fax machine. For more information on ILS Circle 32 on Reader Service Card Intergraph CAD-2 Navy Deal Expanded To Include Inf* Tech Intergraph Corporatioii has an- nounced that the U.S. Navy has added Intergraph's suite V infor- mation management software to the $422 million Facilities 1CAD-2 contract it had already placed. Designed for implementation throughout an enterprise-wide computing environment, DM2 soft- ware provides a complete inforr tion management solution whicli enables users to manage large at; small format documents, enginee? ing data and the workflows that"1 deal with this information. In a DM2 implementation, infor- mation can flow through the entire enterprise. Whether the data is raster images, CAD designs, text documents, ASCII files, video clips or audio files, the DM2 software suite manages the information and relationships betweenj«tCrmafcron. DM2 provides tjje-fneans^Mj both define androfifie business process- es in tja^'organization, as well as thjj^fcrols to implement and manage lese proceses. DM2's multi-platform, client/ser- ver solution incorporates a graphi- cal user interface (including a native Windows client), workflow support, and universal native-for- mat viewing and redlining across supported systems. Combining object-oriented data modeling with an industry-standard relational database, DM2 can create a data management and access infra- structure customized to fit a cus- tomer's specific needs. Tom Baybrook, Intergraph Federal Systems vice president of Federal Marketing and CAD-2, commented, "The addition of DM2 to the Facilities CAD-2 contract will provide installation managers with the capability to revolutionize their data management and work- flow processes. They will be able to realize immediate payback in increased productivity and effi- ciency." Facilities CAD-2 Intergraph was selected by the U.S. Navy to provide computer- aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE) systems for architec- ture, engineering and construction (AEC), geographic information sys- tems (GIS) and facilities manage- ment applications. The award is a major component of the Navy's approximately $1.2 billion CAD-2 program for the acquisition of com- puter-aided design, manufacturing and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) systems based on commercial, off- the-shelf technology. The Facilities CAD-2 contract is the first oppor- tunity for federal buyers to imple- ment the concept of the The Technical Desktop with Windows NT, integrating technical and busi- ness applications in a single sys- tem, for maximum productivity and economy. The first CAD-2 con- tract, from the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), was award- ed to Intergraph in 1991. The most recent CAD-2 contract, from the Naval Air Systems Command and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, was awarded in 1994. An agreement with the Depart- ment of Defense enables all branches of the U.S. military to buy from Facilities CAD-2. Civilian federal agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency also may buy from this contract. For more information on Intergraph Circle 33 on Reader Service Card GOLTENS — 'ROUND THE CLOCK, 'ROUND THEWORLD. FUEL EQUIPMENT Fuel equipment needs constant attention. 'Round the clock, 'round the world, Goltens will save you valuable time and money. At Goltens, our trained experts use special testing and repair equipment as well as a huge inventory of replacement parts to help minimize your down- time. So if you have problems asso- ciated with your fuel equipment, count on Goltens. We'll do the job right away...and we'll do it right. i^Goltens > V J WORLDWIDE Oslo (47-22) 68 90 80 Hong Kong (852) 7550161 • Dubai (971-4) 341642 Shanghai (86) 21 4811721 • Singapore (65) 8 61 52 20 Rotterdam (31-10) 4 16 79 00 * Jakarta (6221) 640 8091 Wilmington, CA (310) 549-2550 • Miami, FL (305) 576-4410 Fairhaven, MA (508) 993-2631 • New York, NY (718) 855-7200 Circle 227 on Reader Service Card OOllOOlOOOl1lOOOOOl1lOOOOOOl111010011 1101011001001001111100111100111000101 December, 1995 15