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Enterprises, Inc., for resale to Mayur Steel Corp., of India. The 1968-built vessel will be scrapped in India. Coastal Tug to sell oil barge Coastal Tug & Barge, fnc., Miami, Fla., has received permis- sion from MarAd to sell the 1,291- gt oil barge Coastal 29 to Serenity Navigation Co., a Panamanian cor- poration. The 1960-built barge will be transferred to Panamanian reg- istry. Sale of drilling unit O.K/d Sedco Forex International Drilling, Inc., a Panamanian corpo- ration, has been given permission to sell the drilling unit Sedco 709 to Triton Holdings, Ltd., a British Virgin Islands corporation, without change in the Liberian registry. The 7,983-gt vessel was built in 1977 in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada. 15,949-gt cargo vessel sale O.K/d Neptune International, Inc., Elk Grove Village, 111., has obtained approval to sell the cargo vessel Stella Lykes to Neter Navigation S.A., a Panamanian corporation, for resale to Amar Enterprise, an Indian private limited company. The 15,949-gt vessel was built in 1969, and will be scrapped in India. Western Overseas given permission to sell barge Western Overseas, Inc., Sylvania, Ohio, has been given approval to sell the 25,456-gt con- tainer barge American Veteran to Ruby Enterprises, Inc., a British Virgin Islands corporation. The vessel will be resold to Bharat Ship Breakers Corporation, an Indian corporation. The vessel was built in 1973 in Avondale, La., and will be scrapped in India. Derrick barge sale approved Global Movible Offshore, Inc., Lafayette, La., has received per- mission to sell the 2,402-gt derrick barge Movible No. 1 to Global International Vessels, Ltd., a Cayman Islands corporation. The barge was built in 1964 and will be transferred to Vanuatu registry. MarAd Offers New Internet Connection MarAd has sailed into cyber- space. Information on the U.S. Department of Transportation agency, which works to facilitate domestic and international water- November, 1995 borne commerce, is now available via the Internet's World Wide Web (WWW). Included is information on the agency and its mission, organization, functions and offi- cials. A historical reference section provides extensive information on the role of the American Merchant Marine during World War II. MarAd joins the Department of Transportation and several other agencies in using the Internet to communicate their activities to the public. MarAd's WWW posting comple- ments its existing computerized bulletin board, known as Marlinespike, which contains information of interest to the mar- itime and transportation industry and its customers. The agency expects to provide access to Marlinespike through its Internet posting shortly. WWW access There is only one world leader in boat shafting, one original AQUAMET®, and it is only available from these licensed distribu- tors: Esco,}. M. Tull and Western Branch Metals. AQUAMET sets the standard for excellence and dependability in virtually AQUAMET every service need, from fishing vessels to pleasure craft, from work boats to naval craft and other ocean-going vessels. For informa- tion, call one of our authorized distributors and talk to the only people who stock the original AQUAMET for immediate delivery. BOAT SHARING 1 Crucible • Materials Circle 309 on Reader Service Card 23