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Leica Navigators Support Type 9 All Leica DGPS navigation products already support USCG and I ALA Type 1 and Type 9 RTCM DGPS beacon broadcast The U.S. Coast Guard has decided to utilize the RTCM SC104 Type 9 message format for its beacon broadcasts instead of Type 1 and Type 2 messages, to provide a faster update rate and better accuracy. Some GPS manufacturers indicate that their GPS receivers will require modifications in order to work with this format. Leica's navigation products already work with Type 9 just fine! MX 200 Navigator, six-channel system with superior software for the professional navigator. MX 300 Navigator, a high resolution DGPS system designed for offshore survey and land-positioning. MX 100 Navigator, six-channel continuous tracking for yacht skippers and blue water sailors. MX 9212 12-channe! DGPS Navigator, gives submeter DGPS accuracy for real-time applications. MX 41R, affordable differen- tial GPS Beacon Receiver that improves precision up to 10 times. The MX 100 GPS Navigator combined with the MX 41R Beacon Receiver provides accuracy to under 5m. MX 51R Beacon Receiver and MX 200 DGPS Navigator, with combined GPS and H-field beacon antenna. In February 1994 Leica purchased the Magnavo.x GPS Division, and its Navigator product line. Leica Navigation and Positioning Division 23868 Hawthorne Boulevard Torrance, CA 90505, USA (310) 791-5300, Fax (310) 791-6108 Circle 303 on Reader Service Card