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MARINE SALVAGE Third International Symposium—October 1-3, New York The Third International Sympo- sium on Marine Salvage will meet October 1-3 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Co-spon- sored by the Marine Technology So- ciety and the Maritime Association of the Port of New York, the meet- ings are expected to attract marine salvage experts from the world's principal maritime nations and, for the first time, will have a limited number of exhibits. Opening with the keynote address by the Honorable C.P. Srivas- tava, Secretary General of the In- ternational Maritime Organization, the 2^-day symposium will consist of five sessions dealing with the fol- lowing topics: challenges to the sal- vage industry, contingency planning in salvage, the specialist's role in salvage, topical issues in salvage, and salvage on the coast of China. Luncheon speakers will be Adm. James S. Gracey, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard; Arthur Prince, The Salvage Association, London; and Sir Robert Jackson, Undersecretary General of the United Nations. Principal speaker at the dinner on October 2 will be Dr. Francesco Berlingieri, pres- ident of Comite Maritime Interna- tionale. Efficient, effective, and profitable marine salvage operations share one key element—state-of-the-art knowledge of the complex factors involved. There are five major areas of concern: safety—protecting and preserving human lives; technical and engineering—including rescue towing, and the special problems of hazardous cargoes and offshore structures; environmental—pollu- tion prevention and abatement; le- gal and financial—salvage con- tracts, salvors' responsibilities and rights, hull and cargo insurance, set- tlement of salvors' claims; and or- ganizational—the role of govern- ments, and international and indus- try groups in making rules, regula- tions, and policies concerning sal- vage activities. The forthcoming Marine Salvage Symposium will address these top- ics of critical concern to anyone who is, or may someday be, involved in any aspect of a marine salvage oper- ation. Presentations at the general ses- sions of the symposium have been carefully selected and organized by the Executive Steering Committee chaired by Capt. Hugh J. Spicer of Mobil Shipping to cover topic areas from the perspective of own- ers, underwriters, salvors, offshore oil operators, government organiza- tions, and a wide variety of salvage specialists. Symposium Program Monday, October 1 Opening remarks—Capt. Hugh J. Spicer, symposium chairman. Keynote address—Hon. C.P. Sri- vastava, secretary general, Inter- national Maritime Organization. Morning Session Title: Challenges to the Salvage In- dustry. Moderator: Rear Adm. W.M. Ben- kert, USCG (Ret.). "The Salvor's Views," by R.W. Scheffer, president, International Salvage Union. "The Shipowner's Views," by Sir Adrian Swire, chairman, ICS. "An Offshore View," by Gregon L. Gant, Matthews Daniel Company. The Insurer's Views," by George S. Zacharkow, chairman, Marine Office of America Corporation. Luncheon: "Government's Views," by Adm. James S. Gracey, Com- mandant, U.S. Coast Guard. Afternoon Session Title: Contingency Planning for Sal- vage. Moderator: Rear Adm. M.L. Sta- cey, RN (Ret.), director, Marine Pollution Control Unit, U.K. De- partment of Trade "Contingency Planning in the Pub- lic Interest," by Dr. Jenifer Bak- er, research director, Field Studies Council, U.K. "Technical Considerations in Con- tingency Planning," by Capt. W.F. Searle Jr. Searle Consortium, Ltd. "Contingency Planning for Marine Pollution Response," by Capt. Mike Garnett, Technical Man- ager, International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd. Tuesday, October 2 Morning Session Title: The Specialist's Role in Sal- vage. Moderator: Dr. Anthony Denton, chairman, Noble Denton and Asso- ciates Ltd. "The Salvage Consultant," by Alex Rynecki, Alex Rynecki, Inc. "The Safety Specialist," by Capt. Harry Long, Harry Long & Asso- ciates Ltd "The Firefighter," by Dwight Wil- liams, Boots & Coots; and Capt. Leon Westdijk, Smit American Salvage Inc. "The Average Adjustor," by Lloyd O. Haefner, past chairman, Asso- ciation of Average Adjusters of the United States. "The Admiralty Lawyer," by Don- ald O'May, Ince & Company. Luncheon: "The Role of the Salvage Associations," by Arthur Prince, The Salvage Association, London. Afternoon Session Title: Topical Issues in Salvage. Moderator: Gordon W. Paulsen, Haight, Gardner, Poor & Havens. "USN Salvage Capabilities and the National Research Council Study on Marine Salvage in the U.S.," by Capt. C.S. Maclin, Navy Supervi- sor of Salvage. "Consequences of Salvor Negligence and Misconduct," by E.C. Kalaid- jian,Thacher, Proffitt, & Wood. "Revisions to the Law of Salvage— Some Practical Problems from the Bulk Oil Cargo Side," by Capt. W.H.R. Lawrence, chairman, Oil Companies International Marine Forum; and P.H. Ghee, chairman, Legal Committee, OCIMF. "Lloyds Form Arbitration—The Problems and the Way Ahead," by Gerald Darling, Lloyds Appeal Arbitrator. Dinner: "Unification of the Law on Salvage—From the 1910 Brussels Convention to the Montreal Draft," by Dr. Francesco Berlingieri, president, Comite Maritime Inter- nationale. Wednesday, October 3 Morning Session I Title: "Salvage on the Coast of Chi- na," by Yao Gen-fu, China Sal- vage Company, People's Republic of China. Morning Session II Panel discussion: State of the Sal- vage Industry. Moderator: A.B. Wilbraham, United Towing Ltd. Panelists: R.M. Loftus, Ocean Sal- vors Company; Capt. J. Hansen, Em. Z. Svitzers Salvage Company Limited; Capt. R. Martin, Smit International Southeast Asia. Each of the three panelists, who have been selected by the Interna- tional Salvage Union, will speak for about 10 minutes on a selected top- ic. Following the individual presen- tations, the moderator will direct questions to the Panel, addressing specific issues raised during the symposium, including such ques- tions as: • Are the shipowners' views realis- tic? • Are salvors sufficiently aware of the salvage problems involving off- shore rigs? • To what degree are the salvors involved in contingency planning? • How do salvors view the need for specialists? Following the moderator's ques- tions, the audience will be invited to question the Panel. Closing luncheon: "The United Na- tions and Disaster Operations," by Sir Robert Jackson, Undersecre- tary General of the United Na- tions. Symposium Sponsors The Marine Technology Society, founded in 1963 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is dedicated to achieving deeper understanding of the world's seas, the science and technologies attendant thereto, and the relevance of the marine environ- ment to human affairs. With 15 active local Sections in the U.S. and Canada, MTS mem- bership includes outstanding educa- tors, engineers, economists, attor- neys, and the interested public. Through the Society they exchange information and coordinate their activities on important public and technical issues. The Maritime Association of the Port of New York, although based in New York City, reaches world- wide in its marine services and membership. Among its members are shipping and marine supply and service organizations, in addition to hundreds of others engaged in oper- ations of a maritime or maritime- related nature. The Association consistently sup- ports all programs that advance the cause of safety of vessels, cargo, and lives at sea, and any others concern- ing the efficiency and operation of the maritime industry. Both sponsors are nonprofit or- ganizations. For further details and registra- tion information on the Internation- al Symposium on Marine Salvage, telephone (212) 425-5704 SYMPOSIUM EXECUTIVE STEERING COMMITTEE Capt. Hugh J. Spicer, chairman Rear Adm. W.M. Benkert, USCG (Ret.) N. Nick Cretan Richard E. Fredricks Jr. R.D. Jaeschke E.C. Kalaidjian G.W.R. Kenrick Harold D. Palmer Capt. W.F. Searle Jr., USN (Ret.) Jeremy M.S. Smith J.L. Sullivan George S. Zacharkow 16 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News