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MSI Offers Pilot-Specific Bridge Resource Workshop Bridge Resource Management (BRM) will be applied to the role of the marine pilot in a new training program available from MarineSafety International (MSI). Entitled "Bridge Resource Man- agement for Marine Pilots," the workshop was developed for pilot- age organizations in response to initiatives from the American Pi- lots Association and recommenda- tions from both the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Transpor- tation Safety Board. The BRM training program for marine pilots available from MSI is presented as an initial workshop with optional follow-on training. Re- current training, in the form of either a one-day seminar/workshop or a three- to five-day program us- ing simulator-based exercises, is rec- ommended to keep skills sharp through periodic reinforcement. MSI has been conducting shiphandling training for marine pilots, the U.S. Navy and other com- mercial clients since 1974 with simu- lator complexes located in Kings Point, N.Y., Newport, R.I., San Di- ego, Calif., and Rotterdam, The Netherlands. For more informa- tion on the new training workshop, Circle 5 on Reader Service Card USMSA Sponsors Sixth Annual Safety Seminar Dubbed "Understanding the Mar- ketplace: Factors Influencing the Buyers and Users of Marine Safety Equipment & Services," the sixth annual United States Marine Safety Association (USMSA) seminar is scheduled for May 17-19, 1994 in Sandy Hook, N.J. The two days of seminars feature noted speakers talking about: Politics: Law & Regu- lations—How to Affect Change; Jones Act and Product Liability; Marine Insurance; and Fisheries Management and Safety: The Bot- tom Line, to name a few. Inter- mixed with the educational semi- nars are lunches, dinners, boat tours, and even an optional naviga- tion and plotting class. The USMSA is comprised of more than 140 com- panies and individuals involved in either the design and/or manufac- ture of marine safety equipment, service or sale of safety equipment, or providing training in the use of such equipment. For more infor- mation on the USMSA sixth annual safety seminar, contact Kristina Goldfield at (215) 564-3484. International Survival At Sea Expo & Symposium Scheduled for September 8-10, 1994 at the Westin Hotel, Renais- sance Center in Detroit, the Inter- national Survival And Safety At Sea Exposition & Symposium will feature a number of seminars and demonstrations to complement the well-rounded exposition portion. For more information , contact: Irwin I. Chaitin, managing direc- tor, International Survival and Safety At Sea Exposition & Sympo- sium, 403 Midland, Detroit, Mich. 48203; tel: (313) 865-1000; fax: (313) 865-7030. Allied-Signal Makes Metal-Protector Available Allied-Signal's A-C Performance Additives Group announces the com- mercial availability of ACqua™ 220, ACqua™ 240 andACqua™250 aque- ous dispersions. ACqua dispersions reportedly provides environmentally friendly protection against acids, chemicals and corrosion. For more information from Allied-Signal, Circle 103 on Reader Service Card Alden Names New Leader Alden Electronics, Inc. announced that Arnold A. Kraft joined the company as president and CEO, re- sponsible for the overall strategic direction of the company, oversee- ing all sales, marketing and devel- opment efforts. "I am glad to be here and excited to be a part of the Alden team," said Mr. Kraft. Mr. Kraft was previously president and CEO of Bachman Information Systems, Inc., and under his guidance Bachman became known as a lead- ing software application develop- ment tools and services vendor. Alden Electronics is a leader in com- puter-based weather data display systems, color weather radar termi- nals, weather satellite ground re- ceiving systems and a variety of spe- cialized terminals supporting the global meteorological and oceano- graphic community. For more infor- mation on Alden Electronics, Circle 97 on Reader Service Card Western Machine Introduces New Compact Tow Pin Unit Western Machine Works intro- duced of a new compact tow pin unit, which features two hydraulically driven tow pins with two small stern rollers and an optional hold-down mechanism for restricting the tow- ing cable. The unit is designed for use with smaller, inland tugs which may not need all of the capacity that Western Machine's standard units provide for larger tugs. The com- pact unit welds to the cap of the bulwark. For more information, Circle 95 on Reader Service Card McElroy Machine Appoints Randazzo To Outside Sales Michael Randazzo has been named to fill an outside sales posi- tion for McElroy Machine & Mfg. Co. Inc. of Biloxi, Miss. He will be responsible for winch and deck ma- chinery sales to shipyards, boat own- ers and operators, rig builders and owners, and operators. McElroy Machine has been in the business of winch and deck machin- ery manufacturing for more than 75 years. For more information on the company's products and services, Circle 92 on Reader Service Card a Frank Mohn Houston Inc. FRAMO 1802 West D Street, P.O. Box 1586, La Porte, TX 77572-1586 Phone: (713) 471-7920 Fax: (713) 470-1258 Tlx: 6868120 framo uw Discharge Problems? CALL US! PORTABLE PUMPS - SMALL DIMENSIONS - HIGH CAPACITIES. GULF COAST - EAST COAST - WEST COAST - WORLD WIDE Circle 222 on Reader Service Card ^C* puflggJ^jj^s ,A .lev. Circle 268 on Reader Service Card 90 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News