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TEXACO WOULD LIKE TO SHED SOME LIGHT ON YOUR PURCHASIHG ROUTINE. The shipping industry is no stranger to The Ritual Search for New Fuel and Lubricant "Suppliers. This can be a tense time for both purchasing personnel and suppliers...a headache that aspirin can't cure. The remedy is a worldwide supplier with a fresh outlook-a company with lubricants, bunker fuels and services that are the best in the industry. That's what Texaco's Partnership in Quality is all about. We're determined to replace The Ritual with a long-term relation- ship. Once you experience our combination of product performance, professional services and competitive pricing, you'll never need a new supplier again. And you'll also understand why we've been able to more than double our international marine lubri- cant business since 1985. We'd like to tell you more about how we can serve you better over the long term. In fact, we can even arrange for you to talk to EXACO several of our satisfied ^ customers to learn first- ^•^iiiimif^Jj' hand how our Partnership ** in Quality Program has helped their businesses Please contact us at: Texaco Inc. Texaco London Fuel and Marine Marketing Dept. Fuel and Marine Marketing Dept 2000 Westchester Avenue 1 Westferry Circus White Plains. NY 10650 Canary Wharf. London E14 4HA Phone: 914-253-4000 Phone: 44-71-719-4651 Fax: 914-253-6002 Fax: 44-71-719-5161 FUEL AND MARINE MARKETING 'Texaco is dedicated to manufacturing and marketing the highest quality products in the industry and to serve all our customers in the most efficient and effective manner possible." PUAV> ) 1994 Texaco Inc. Circle 252 on Reader Service Card