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Marino Electronics Yearbook optional two-slot card reader that supports both PC-compatible memory cards and nautical chart cards. The card reader enables mariners to watch a moving image of their boat on a nautical chart while recording their GPS receiver's navigation data. Like the NT200D, the NT200 offers the optional two- slot card reader. It accepts differen- tial corrections and provides two National Marine Electronics Asso- ciation (NMEA-0183) ports for in- terfacing with other navigation de- vices. The NT100 is geared to the first-time buyer. Like its sister prod- ucts, it offers rugged, waterproof construction, user-configurable navigation screens and a six-inch graphical liquid crystal display, among other features. tems offers the WATERCOM to place direct-dial telephone calls. WATERCOM offers fax and modem data transfer capabilities; calling card and collect calling for crew members; 24-hour customer service; and itemized, monthly billings. Waterway Communication Systems Simrad-Robertson, Inc. Circle 48 on Reader Service Card Waterway Communications Sys- Circle 162 on Reader Service Card Simrad-Robertson's full line of Vancouver Shipyards Ship repair and conversion The largest and best equipped marine ways on the west coast. Ships up to 75,000 DWT. Sheltered, all-season conditions. • Floating dock with 36,000 tonne lifting capacity • Syncrolift with 1,500 tonne lifting capacity • Three completely equipped and serviced outfitting quays • Level shipbuilding berth and side launchway • Fabrication shops, heavy machine shops, design and drafting Vancouver Shipyards 50 Pemberton Avenue, North Vancouver, B. C., V7P2R2 Telephone: (604) 988-6361 • Fax: (604) 984-1651 Circle 308 on Reader Service Card Now shipping from MlCRON AUTICS .TIDE DOS computer users get detailed tide information for 6,400 ports worldwide - quickly and easily, output graphs, calendars, and more! Call or fax today for full information: Call 8oo • 456 • TIDE or fax 207 • 236 • 6211 MICRON AUTICS, INC. "Industrial grade tide software since 1984 " POST OFFICE BOX IOI7, ROCKPORT, MAINE 04856, U.S.A. 207 • 236 • 06l0 MAC Users - Yes, we have tide software for you too! Compact Unit. Compact Price. When they said that good things come in small packages, they must have been talking about Western Machine Works' new compact tow pin unit. Built with the same quality materials and workmanship as our standard tow pin units, Western Machine Works' compact unit's best feature may be its price. Perfect for the smaller vessel, the compact unit not only saves space, it saves money, too. We have gone out of our way to ensure that quality is maintained. That's why our compact units are made from the same long-lasting materials that our standard units feature. Call today to see which unit is right for you. For our free brochure, write or fax: WESTERN MACHINE WORKS 1870 Harbour Road, North Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7H 1A1 Phone: (604) 929-7901 or (604) 929-2365 Fax: (604) 929-7951 Circle 261 on Reader Service Card 1994 MARITIMK DIRKCTORY The All New '94 Maritime Directory • Expanded to over 800 pages with detailed information on 10,000 marine companies. • Thousands of Vessel Operating Companies... U.S. and International-from the smallest towboat operator to the largest oceangoing fleet owner. • Thousands of Ship/Boat Builders and Repairers... U.S. and International - from the smallest inland repair yard to the world's largest shipbuilder. • You will find names, addresses and titles of key personnel. • A complete index of thousands of Marine Equipment Suppliers and manufacturers listed alphabetically by product. Order Your Copy Now! Special discounted price of $12200 MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010 • Tel. (212) 477-6700 FAX your order to (212) 677-8843 marine electronics for the commer- cial marine industry include: • Advanced DP systems for all ap- plications; • Radar units with target range to 120 miles; • Autopilots, gyrocompasses and related steering systems; • Hydrographic mapping/sonar/ sounding equipment • Taiyo direction finders/radio buoys. The Simrad-Robertson name en- compasses more than 75 products with 24 offices worldwide. Pacific-Gulf Marine And A.C. Toepfer Sign Contract Pacific Gulf Marine, Inc. (PGM) signed an agreement with Alfred C. Toepfer Schiffahrtsgesellschaft of Hamburg, Germany regarding the manning and operation of four con- tainer vessels currently being built for A.C.T.S./U.S., Inc. "Under the terms of the contract, Pacific-Gulf Marine, Inc. will have the obligation for manning and op- erating these vessels," explained Captain Peter F. Johnson, chair- man and CEO of PGM. The four ECOBOX 42 container vessels are currently under con- struction at the Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft shipyard in Flensburg, Germany. Each vessel has a length of 665 feet (202.7 m) with a breadth molded of 100 feet (30.5 m) and a dwt capacity of 41,500 metric tons. The first ship of the series is scheduled to be delivered for U.S.-flag operation during the first quarter of 1995 with the others delivered within the subsequent 12 months. Bishop To Carry Royal Purple Lubricants Bishop Lubricants Inc. of Seabrook, Texas has reached an agreement with Royal Purple Syn- thetic Lubricants Inc. of Humble, Texas to be the exclusive marine industry distributor for Royal Purple's products. Tests have shown Royal Purple's lubricant formula- tions provide lubes with a tough film strength. This film, by bonding with surfaces, reportedly reduces friction dramatically. According to Bishop Lubricants, operating tem- peratures drop, RPMs increase, amperage draw drops and wear is virtually eliminated—with engines lasting twice as long or longer. Bishop also says Royal Purple's tough film strength allows boat own- ers to double the engine oil drain interval, so only the filter need be changed, and that oil disposal prob- lems are cut a minimum of 50 per- cent. Bishop offers a complete line of synthetic lubricants including gear oil, motor oil, 2-cycle, ATF and grease as well as a full line of indus- trial oils for compressors, pumps, etc. For more information on Bishop's products, Circle 126 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Circle 316 on Reader Service Card