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Marine Electronics Yearbook Sperry Marine Inc. Circle 44 on Reader Service Card Sperry Marine Inc. is a major international developer and manu- facturer of marine electronic navi- gation, control and communications equipment with company sales and service offices in 11 countries. Sperry Marine provides a complete line of gyrocompasses, radars, auto- pilots, doppler speed logs, bridge integration and communications equipment for commercial and na- val vessels. Along with advance- ments in Watch-1 integrated bridge systems, ring laser gyrocompasses for the military, the company re- cently introduced its MK-4217R, a new rasterscan river radar for U.S. and worldwide rivers. Standard Communications Corp. Circle 45 on Reader Service Card Standard Communications has been in the marine electronics in- dustry for more than 25 years pro- viding its Horizon line of fixed and handheld radios, electronics acces- sories and digital instrumentation. The new Horizon Nova, a 25 watt fixed mount radio available in black or white, provides a large LCD; up/ down channel selector on the speaker/mic; rotary channel selec- tor; scanning and priority scanning; direct access to all U.S., Canadian and international channels, chan- nels 9 and 16, and 10 weather posi- tions plus Weather Alert. The Horizon Omni, a 25 watt fixed mount 1992 and 1993 NMEA winner, provides GASFET circuitry, Weather Alert and optional new technology Class C Digital Selective Distress Calling. Techsonic Industries Circle 46 on Reader Service Card Techsonic Industries offers the Humminbird line of marine elec- tronics. The Humminbird DC-5 hand-hald VHF radio features all U.S. and international channels, all weather channels and 10 memory channels. Both the LCD and the key panel are backlit and incorpo- rate an automatic shut off feature. The unit has a low battery indica- tor, automatic battery saving fea- ture and is 5W/1W selectable, which can maximize battery life at close ranges. Humminbird's NS10 GPS gives the navigator detailed built-in map- ping in a waterproof unit. Humminbird's Wide™ product family consists of seven new Humminbird sonar products, tar- geting the fishing and consumer boating market. Four of the new wide units incorporate the latest technology in two-dimensional op- eration, while three of the products display advanced three-dimensional features. Each of the seven new Humminbird products incorporates such new standard features as: a universal Quick Disconnect mount, allowing the interchanging of each product with any other unit in the Wide family; a curved anti-glare lens for easy-on-the-eye viewing; and a clear view lens, allowing viewing with polarized sunglasses. Traxar™ GPS handheld naviga- tor, which Techsonic manufactures and for which Motorola supplies the GPS technology, provides six chan- nel, hand-held portability that pro- vides boaters and other outdoorsmen with position, navigation, velocity and time information. Trimble Navigation Circle 47 on Reader Service Card Trimble Navigation reportedly offers the first GPS receiver with a built-in differential receiver. The company also reportedly offers the first GPS receiver with a two-slot card reader, a feature that includes another first: a slot for GPS memory cards. Owing to these developments, mariners no longer have to buy and install a separate beacon receiver to get differential's 33-foot accuracy. And because of these developments mariners can now record and archive their GPS navigation data. These developments are featured in Trimble's new NT product line, the company's next generation of big-screen GPS receivers for the marine market. Trimble's NT line comprises three products: the NT200D GPS, the NT200 GPS and the NT100 GPS. The NT200D pro- vides built-in differential and an Mackay COMMUNICATIONS ALL DIGITAL INMARSAT SATURN B TERMINAL FOR CLASS I/II VOICE, TELEFAX AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS CONTROL UNIT FOR BULKHEAD OR DESK TOP MOUNTING WITH: • 5 RJ-11 Jacks for remote telephones • G3 Fax and PABX Interfaces • RS-232/V.35 modem interfaces • Telex printer output line • HSD 56/64 KBPS option HANDSET CONTROLLER WITH DUAL KEYPADS FOR: • LES default programming • Short number dialing • Readout of status records • Antenna Controller • Test diagnostics SYSTEM OPERATION FROM A VARIETY OF A.C. AND D.C. VOLTAGES For further informationcontact Mackay Communications 300 Columbus Circle, Edison, New Jersey 08837 Tel.: (908) 225-0909 Fox: (908) 225-2848 M Mobile Communications COMSAT'S Mobile Linksm service uses Land Earth Station code 001 and provides a global link to the Inmarsat satellite system and offers the advantage of voice, fax and data communications that are virtually the same as those in the office or home. Call COMSAT at 1-301-428-2379 for information. RD Instruments PORT AND HARBOR BROADBAND ADCP Assure the Safe Passage of Ships in Your Port J. Vre you guessing water current speed and direction when vessels are being maneuvered into port? The Port and Harbor BroadBand ADCP measures and reports the current speed and direction in your shipping channel, in real-time, without interfering with vessel traffic. Harbor pilots can use this information to improve safety and to reduce transit time through the port. The port authority can use the information to better manage ship traffic. You can use directly- measured data instead of interpolating tidal charts, extrapolating off-site data, or just guessing. RD Instruments A member of the BroadBand product line • Display real-time data directly measured in your shipping channel • Avoid interference with vessel traffic by mounting the ADCP on the channel bottom • Assure safe passage at other sites - Port entrance - Platforms - Moorings - Berths Call RDI today to learn how a Port and Harbor BroadBand ADCP can be used to assure the safe passage of ships in and out of your port. RD Instruments... for a sound picture of the oceans. 9855 Businesspark Ave San Diego,CA,USA, 92131 TEL: (619) 693-1178 FAX: (619) 695-1459 March, 1994 Circle 237 on Reader Service Card Circle 270 on Reader Service Card 85