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Marine Electronics Yearbook to-Point Data; High Speed Data 56/ 64KB; Data Broadcast (exclusive) ; and compressed video. Also, voyage billing, departmen- tal billing and personal identifica- tion numbers (PINs) are available. These will not require any addi- tional equipment aboard the vessel. KB Electronics, Ltd. Circle 76 on Reader Service Card KB Electronics Ltd. designs and manufactures a complete line of full mil qualified and ruggedized power conversion equipment in the 1-10 kW power range for military and critical commercial applications. Products include on-line and off- line Uninterruptible Power Sup- plies, Static Frequency Converters, Rectifiers, Battery Management Systems and other related products. The company also provides a full range of Integrated Logistic Sup- port Services. Kelvin Hughes, Ltd. Circle 105 on Reader Service Card The latest integrated bridge sys- tems being fitted by Kelvin Hughes include chart displays capable of showing the new Admiralty Raster Charts as well as the future of ECDIS charts. Its bridge systems can also in- clude the full range of GMDSS com- munications and safety equipment. Kelvin Hughes Ltd. is the Naval and marine division of Smiths In- dustries Aerospace. The company designs and manu- factures a full range of marine navi- gational products including Nucleus radars, navigational displays and electronic chart displays. Litton Special Devices Circle 37 on Reader Service Card Litton has recently introduced two new EPIRBs that are geared toward the commercial fishing com- munity. The Model 952 Category I is a 406 MHz EPIRB that transmits the vessel's location and identity to the worldwide COSPAS/SARSAT Satellite System initiating an im- mediate search and rescue response. The Category I is a hydrostatically released, float-free EPIRB that au- tomatically transmits the 406 MHz distress signal when released. The Model 952 Category I comes with a weather resistant protective housing and the entire unit can be removed from its mounting bracket for safe storage without disarming or dismantling the EPIRB. The Model 952 is also available as a manually activated Category II406 MHz EPIRB. The Model 953 Class B (Micro "B") is a manually-acti- vated 121.5/243 MHz EPIRB and the distress frequency can be de- tected by search and rescue aircraft and vessels and by the COSPAS/ SARSAT Satellite System. The Mi- cro "B"'s small size makes it suitable for compact stowage in life vests, life rafts and survival kits. Litton Special Devices designs, manufac- tures and supplies Emergency Ra- dio Indicating Beacons (EPIRBs) for the marine industry. Litton now has more than 10,000 EPIRBs on board commercial and recreational vessels. Lokata Circle 106 on Reader Service Card Lokata specializes in equipment for Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS). Lokata's Emer- gency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) alerts rescue au- thorities, through a satellite link, of the name and position of a ship when it is in distress. Lokata's Search And Rescue Transponder (SART) indicates on a rescuing ship's radar the bearing and range to a life-raft. And Lokata's Navigation Radio- telex Receiver (NAVTEX) is de- signed to receive up to the minute information on navigation, weather and local emergencies. Mackay Communications Circle 87 on Reader Service Card fortably on vessels down to 40 feel (12 m) in length. The system has been designed to make operation oi the terminal as easy as using youi home or office telephone or fax ma- chine. Magnavox received Inmarsal Type Approval of the MX 340C MAGNAPhone-M in November and is currently making production de- liveries. This new product will make available the advantages and secu- rity of satellite communications to a class of vessels that have not previ- ously been able to make use of it. Magnavox Electronics Systems Company has been a supplier oi Inmarsat Marine Satellite Commu- nications terminals since the begin- ning of the Inmarsat system in 1982. •ELECTRICAL SHIPBOARD CABLES •PORTABLE CORDS & POWER CABLES •INDUSTRIAL CABLES & BUILDING WIRE *WELDING & MINING CABLES •CONTROL & SIGNAL CABLES •COMMUNICATION, ELECTRONIC & COAXIAL CABLES More Than 45 Years Of Dependable Service! L.F. GAUBERT & CO. INC. P.O. BOX 50500 • NEW ORLEANS, LA • 70150 Phone: (504) 822-7272 Fax: (504) 821 -9309 JEAMAB Mackay Communications intro- duces the new Saturn B all digital marine terminal for class I and II Inmarsat services. The main con- trol unit is smaller than the typical TV-VCR and is suitable for desk top mounting. The unit has a local handset, five RJ-11 ports, Group 3 fax and DTE connectors for RS232 modem operation to 9,600 bps and V.21, V.35, V.36 interfaces for op- tional DHSD at 56/64 kbps. The system is approved by IMO for GMDSS. Magnavox Electronic Systems Company Circle 88 on Reader Service Card Magnavox's most recent product introduction is the MX 3400 MAGNAPhone-M, a marine termi- nal designed to provide access to the new Inmarsat-M service. The antenna system, which is contained in a fully weather-proofed radome, measures 26-inches diam- eter by 31-inches high and weighs approximately 100 lbs. It fits corn- Marine Electric Systems Circle 117 on Reader Service Card The Galbraith-Pilot Marine™ product line of Marine Electric Sys- tems, Inc. provides shipboard loud- speaker systems for reliable intership communications. The sys- tems are used to communicate from ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore, par- ticularly during docking manuevers. Marine Electric Systems has desig- nated its systems as: docking and navigation loudspeaker systems; general announcing and talkback systems; emergency loudspeaker systems (a safety requirement for large passenger ships); loudhailer systems; and fog signal systems. The company's loudspeaker systems are available from 50 watts to more than 4,000 watts. Marinet Systems Circle 142 on Reader Service Card Marinet Systems of Liverpool, JEAMAR WINCHES, INC. 1051 Clinton St., Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel. (716) 854-3211 • Fax (905) 889-3795 Air Winch • Direct drive • Fully reversing • Fail-safe braking as standard • Numerous options - grooved drums, limit switches, free spooling, & more • 5 Sizes available 800LB line pull to 4,000LB line pull Capstan Winches • Direct drive • High starting loads • Rope can come off at any angle • Non reversing unless power driven • 8 Models available from 2.000LB starting line pull to 20.000LB starting pull Electric Winches • Direct Drive • Fully reversing • Fail-safe braking is standard • Numerous options- grooved drums, limit switches, free spooling, variable speed, & more. • 13 Models from 400LB line pull to 32,000LB line pull 82 Circle 223 on Reader Service Card Circle 231 on Reader Service Card