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KELVIN HUGHES Kelvin Hughes Limited A Smiths Industries pic company Other stan- dard features include interswitching, dual preset Guard Zones; the NAVCARD for extended, custom- ized map creation, storage, and retrieval; and an improved plotting facility. The ARPA also features a simulator for training and maintenance tasks. nucleus • the new definition of modern radar! Radio Holland Group Electronic Systems, Marine Houston, Texas Tel: (713) 943-3325 Fax: (713) 943-3802 Tlx: 795438 Corpus Christi • New Orleans • Mobile • Ft. Lauderdale • New York • Philadelphia • Norfolk • Portland • Seattle • San Francisco/Oakland • Long Beach .... Circle 291 on Reader Service Card March, 1994 The Kelvin Hughes NUCLEUS Series Color ARPA Radars are redefining the modern radar for the shipping industry. The NUCLEUS Color ARPA combines innovative target tracking/plotting and integrated data acquisi- tion capabilities with speed, accuracy, screen defini- tion, ease of operation, and highest reliability. To overcome rows of confusing buttons and controls, this economically designed, color ARPA utilizes a simple tracker ball and three push buttons for all operations, making it one of the fastest, most user- friendly navigational radars on the market today. Functions are selected by simply clicking a but- ton after moving the pointer with the tracker ball through the easy-to-use, on-screen menus. The high definition display provides a superior color radar picture with very sharp target contrast. The data displays clearly show operating functions, warn- ings, target information, and integrated own-ship navigational data. The NUCLEUS Series offers five choices of dis- plays, NUCLEUS 6000 A (ARPA), 6000 T (true motion) and 6000 R (relative motion) Color Radars with 26 inch display; and NUCLEUS 5000 T (true motion) and 5000 R (relative motion) Color Radars with 20 inch display. NUCLEUS features powerful X-Band and S-Band transmitters in different configurations.