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Fincantieri Wins $680 Million Contract For Two Cruise Ships Princess Cruises, the Los-Ange- les-based cruise line, has chosen Italy's Fincantieri to build two new cruise ships. The first vessel, a 77,000-ton ship costing an estimated $295 million, will carry 1,950 pas- sengers and enter service in the spring of 1997. The second vessel will be a 2,500-passenger vessel purpose-built for the Caribbean. This second ship, costing an esti- mated $385 million, will be approxi- mately 90,000 tons and has fore- gone the flexibility of passing through the Panama Canal; instead it will be able to sport additional facilities and passengers. With the addition of these two ships, as well as the Sun Princess which is cur- rently under construction, the total number of ships in the Princess fleet will rise to 12 and the line's capacity will increase by 70 percent. Both new ships will feature a high percentage of outside cabins with balconies. They will also incor- porate innovative new features to be debuted on the Sun Princess, such as an indoor/outdoor Lido din- ing facility and a spectacular health spa and children center. Corps Of Engineers Invites Bids For Two Crane Vessels MARITIME REPORTER 118 E. 25TH St. Hew York, N.Y. 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700 fax: (212) 254-6271 Representatives u. s. Gulf States Scandinavia United Kingdom Italy Korea MR. JAMES N. McCLINTOCK Simpson Corporate Park Indigo House, Suite A 206 South Tyler Street Covington, La. 70433 Telephone: (504) 893-5099 Telefax: (504) 893-5024 MR. STEPHAN R. G. ORN AB Stephan R.G. Orn Box 184, S-27100 Ystad, Sweden Telephone: 46 411-18400 Telefax: 46 411 10531 MR.MICHAEL J. DAMSELL Euromedia Ltd. P.O. Box 122 Hayward's Heath West Sussex RH16 1YF, ENGLAND Telephone:0444 417360 Telefax:0444 417360 MR. VITTORIO F. NEGRONE Ediconsult Internazionale Piazza Fontane Marose, 3-16123 Genova, Italy Telephone: (010) 583684 Telefax: (010) 566578 Telex: 281197 EDINTI MR.C.H. PARK Far East Marketing Inc. Rm. 508, Chungmu Building 10, 2-ka, Pil-dong, Chung ku. Seoul, Korea Telephone: (02) 265 - 5043 Telefax: (02) 277-5148 The Army Corps of Engineers' Marine Design Center has issued an invitation for bids for the design, construction, testing and delivery of a crane barge. The vessels are essentially identical except that one is furnished with a fixed, pedestal type crane and the other is designed to accommodate a rubber-tired, rough terrain, mobile crane. Each vessel is approximately 150 feet (45.7 m) long, 50 feet (30.4 m) wide and 10 feet (3.05 m) deep. The vessels are of steel construction with spe- cial consideration given to operat- ing zone limitations to permit op- eration of the cranes without ex- posing operating personnel to "Pinch Points." Both vessels have some hull machinery and minor generating capacity, with neces- sary support systems. Testing will be required and must be performed in the Ohio River or somewhere with similar operating conditions. The bid package became available on Feb. 25, 1994 and bid opening is planned for May. Interested parties may contact: Commander and District En- gineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers, Philadelphia District, Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107-3391. Attention: CENAP-CT (TOTH). Ref.: DACW61-94-B-0020. WE'RE ThEQIs WITH THE BEST SE NETWORK. Circle 204 on Reader Service Card When designating someone to act on your behalf during an oil spill - as mandated by OPA-90 - look to the dependable nationwide network of ABS Marine Services. Our Houston Marine Casualty Response Center and exclusive Qualified Individuals in every major U.S. port provide the best combination for oil spill response and damage stability assessment. MARINE SERVICES, INC. AN AFFILIATE OF THE AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING Houston-713 873-2101 Piraeus-30 1 429-3804 London-44 71377-4422 -65 732-3230 Fax-713 874-5964 Fax-30 1 429-3809 Fax-44 71377-4417 Fax-65 732-3538 Our consulting services include regu- latory interpretation and compliance, MARPOL (SOPEP) plans, training and drills, as well as marine technical and inspection services. For more information about our capabilities, contact your nearest ABS Marine Services office. W Circle 318 on Reader Service Card March, 1994 7 No wonder it'i become the industry standard! There's no longer-lasting deck and hull seam | compound than LifeCalk: When the job is done, the job is d$ie. LifeCallfcfs a two-part polysulfide that goes on without a prime coat, and cures as quickly fas only a two-part product can. Perfect for all bedding and sealing applications, both above and below the water line. It's the ideal sealant for eviry size bolt, from cruise liner to pleasure craft. Don't settle for less than LifeCallc Ifs more than fa name... it's a promise. If Life Industrie 205 Sweet Hollow Rd. • Ok 516-454-0055 • Corporation >thpage, NY 11804 USA c: 516454-0452