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THIS IS JOHN MARRA'S OFFICE Customers who know John Marra, IDB MOBILE'S Vice President of Maritime Services, know they won't find John drinking coffee in his office or using voice mail to screen his calls. •IDB MOBILE John is an advocate for his customers. He lis- tens to his clients and tailors services to meet their needs. Two of the biggest industry problems were high INMARSAT prices and a lack of global INMARSAT coverage. IDB MOBILE respond- ed by being the first provider to offer total global coverage and initiated the first signifi- cant price reduction on INMARSAT service in over ten years. IDB MOBILE will soon offer the following services - all in response to requests from cus- tomers: IDB MAIL Your messages will be transmitted via satellite up to 100 times faster than telex. PHONE PROGRAMS IDB MOBILE offers 3 reliable, cost-efficient programs. One can be tailored to your needs. DEPARTMENTAL BILLING Your monthly invoice can include detail by owner, operator, charterer or riding crew. BROADCAST SERVICES You can send your fleet a common message, update on-board files including personnel, payroll and spare parts. FOR MORE INFORMATION On how IDB MOBILE can tailor a program for you, contact: JOHN MARRA at 908-431-2002 or IDB MOBILE at: 800-432-2376 Fax 202-973-5101 202-973-5100 Telex 7403050 6 Circle 268 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News