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INTRUOUCINB THE NEW FUNK DOUBLE PUMP DRIVES WITH WIDER BEAR CENTERS N^ew hydraulic pump designs have created a need for more pump space on double hydraulic pump drives. FUNK has filled the need with the intro- duction of two new pump drives. The new Model 2826 increases the gear center of the 28000 series from 5" to 6" providing an additional 2" of space between pump drives. (The Model 28000 with 5" gear centers will continue to be available.) The Model 5928 increases the gear center of the 59000 series from 6" to 8" pro- viding an additional 4" of space between pump drives. The new FUNK pump drives utilize the same proven technology that has made FUNK North America's largest producer of pump drives. Contact FUNK Manufacturing for specifi- cations and information. FUNK //nicEczg Funk Manufacturing Company Industrial Park Hwy 169 N, PO Box 577 Coffeyville, KS USA 67337-0577 Phone (316) 252-3400 Fax (316) 252-3252 Circle 216 on Reader Service Card 42 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News