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ercise the highest and most rigor- tempt to bypass this most important ous standards of care. Rigidly pre- link in the safety chain will never be scribed safety "solutions" which at- more than partially effective. YEARS OF SERVICE 1944-1994 eluding within the license issuance and renewal process a requirement that a navigator's proficiency be checked by a qualified person within the industry; and • Initial notification procedures for reporting marine casualties should be standardized to avoid inconsis- tency and confusion. • Entry-level training for towing industry personnel should be stan- dardized via voluntary guidelines now under development within the Towing Safety Advisory Commit- tee. We believe these recommenda- tions have the potential to produce real improvements in navigational safety. And, within AWO, we are continuing our examination of in- dustry operations and governmen- tal requirements in an effort to iden- tify other areas in which safety may be enhanced. That process will con- tinue, as will our cooperation with all parties who share our commit- ment to sound, fact-based safety so- lutions. Finally, much of the public de- bate in the wake of the Amtrak accident has focused on the need for more rigorous governmental regu- lation of the barge and towing in- dustry. Indeed, AWO has not hesi- tated to endorse or to call for such regulation where we believe it will yield concrete results. At the same time, however, we must bear in mind that safety is a process in which many actors must play a part. Clearly, government, as the guard- ian of the public trust, must set the floor — the basic standard of safety — below which industry operations must not take place. Shippers, who employ carriers to move their prod- ucts, must be willing to insist on, and to pay the price for, high stan- dards of transportation safety and quality. But, it is carriers them- selves who bear the ultimate re- sponsibility for ensuring safe navi- gation on our nation's waterways. Government regulation is not, and will never be, a substitute for a company's own responsibility to ex- AWO ANNUAL MEETING (Continued, from page 32) please, contact Tina Norris at AWO headquarters, (703) 841-9300. Schedule of Events Wednesday, April 13 The American Waterways Ship- yard Conference (AWSC) will hold its committee meetings in St. Louis. 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. AWSC Regulatory Committee Meeting 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. AWSC Legislative Committee Meeting Thursday, April 14 8:00- 10:00 a.m. AWO Common Issues Council Meeting 9:30- 11:30 a.m. AWSC Membership Meeting 10:00 a.m. - noon AWO Public Affairs Committee Meeting, with a special presentation on managing crisis by Brown Nelson Public Relations 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.: AWO Coastal Sector Committee Meeting 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. AWO Inland Dry Sector Committee Meeting 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. AWO Harbor Services Sector Committee Meeting 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Inland Liquid Sector Committee Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. AWO 50th Anniversary Reception 7:00 - midnight AWO 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner-Dance Friday, April 15 8:30 a.m. - noon AWO Board of Directors Meeting and An- nual Meeting POLY RUBBER BUGGY BUMPERS Introducing the Dock Fendering System from BFGoodrich — complete with the proven protection of LINERITE® and Solidur? Custom-designed for high-impact areas, LINERITE is an engineered composite of polymer and rubber layers that absorb and withstand repeated blows. Protecting far longer than traditional wood, tires and other fendering materials. Solidur, a solid UHMWP material, rounds out the BFG system — reducing friction and wear while providing impact strength. For pier and canal walls, it's the premier polymer facing. For more information on our new, environmentally friendly Dock Fendering System, call 910-251-8000. Or fax 1-800-835-2575. And get long-lasting, low-maintenance protection that saves you money. Now isn't that a nice twist. \ Solidur iFGoodrich Engineered Polymer Products 150 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 A business unit of BFGoodrich Aerospace LINERITE is a registered trademark of The BFGoodrich Company. Solidur is a registered trademark of Polyhi/Solidur. ©1994 The BFGoodrich Company LINERITE THE SHOUT MILES. Stearns Rescue Mate is the brightest constant light in its class. Up to 14 hours of night-piercing beams. Stearns Rescue-Flash delivers bright, strobe flashes for day/night visibility. Flashes for over 8 hours. Both are USCC approved and comply with SOLAS 83 requirements. For information and Stearns dealer, call 1-800-697- 5802, FAX (612) 252-4425, or write Stearns, P.O. Box 1498, St. Cloud, MN 56302 U.S.A. Stearns Rescue Mate Stearns Rescue-Flash"* THOSE WHO KNOW THE SEA. KNOW ® A 7 Anthony Industries company 38 Circle 251 on Reader Service Card Circle 281 on Reader Service Card