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EMD 16-710-G7A 0.324 LB/BHP-HR AT FULL CONTINUOUS OUTPUT AT 900 RPM CAT 3612 0.326 LB/BHP-HR AT FULL CONTINUOUS SERVICE RATING AT 900 RPM ALCO 16-251-F 0.337 LB/BHP-HR AT FULL CONTINUOUS RATING AT 900 RPM BSFC values are subject to the following tolerances: EMD +5%/-0%, CAT ±0.010 Lb/BHP-Hr, ALCO ±5%. HONDURAS GUATEMALA NICARAGUA aSM^ PANAMA COSTARICA \\ i CAT 36 08 L^J nv LI <-> CA1 i i r 3e f12i K — < E EMD 116 -71 0-G i7A —L ' ' i - — I ? ' i o > * 3 / / . ^fZit I / r L f 7 / V CAT 36 12 L • 1 :MD 16 i -71 L_ I 0-G i7A~ H • • • • • • i i CAT 3608 — — — 1500 0 100 300 500 700 900 ENGINE SPEED - RPM BSFC values are subject to the following tolerances: EMD +5%/-0%, CAT ±0.010 Lb/BHP-Hr. Ref.: Cat. pub. LEKM2007 dtd 07-92; EMD curve ME90-11 Ref.: Alco bul. S4-4(Rev6/81); Cat. pub. LEKM2007 dtd 07-92; EMD curve ME 90-11 pau For more information on your EMD engine applica- tions, please contact your Stewart & Stevenson sales representative. BOLIVIA ARGENTINA LURUGUAY ENGINEERED POWER STEWART & STEVENSON SERVICES, INC. New Orleans Branch 1400 Destrehan Ave. Harvey LA 70059 504-347-4326 Houston Branch 6831 East Freeway Houston TX 77029 713-671-6100 Circle 289 on Reader Service Card