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The Classified THE MARINE MART and Employment Section HOW TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD - It's EASY! FREQUENCY DISCOUNT RATES • Employment/Recruitment «. Pop I A r flw M»F :•:•:•:.•:•;•::::.•:•::. . !! ; .. . . Equipment and Products For Sale me, Maritime Reporter, U8 East 25th Street, New York, CONTACT; SusaoCos COLUMN WIDTH COLUMN DEPTH NY 10010 Telephone: (212) 477-6700 or Fax your ad copy to <212) 254-6271... 1 COLUMN -3* 2 COLUMN - 6 1/4" MINIMUM - 1 * I MAXIMUM-12" \ DEADLINE: The 15th of the month for the following months ac iilllllllllllllllillllliB 3 COLUMN-9 1/2" EQUIPMENT/PRODUCTS/SERVICES FOR SALE Make your ring buoys do their job. Attach our throw line holder kit to your ring buoys and we guarantee they'll travel the length of the line. First toss, every toss. FREE BROCHURE « 1-800-326-TQSS i Smith Berger Marine, Inc. SHIPBOARD SYSTEMS & c'FISH PROCESSING EQUIPMENT The leader in deck hardware for over 60 years. Ph:206/764-4650 Fax:206/764-4653 Smith Berger Marine, Inc. 516 S. Chicago St. Seattle, WA 98108 Voltage Converters 24 or 32 VDC In to 12 VDC Out 20 Amps Continuous, 35 Amps Peak No Radio Interference The standard of excellence for West Coast Mariners since 1976. Custom Inquiries Welcomed. Analytic Systems Ware (1993) Ltd. Ph. (800) 668-3884 (USA/Canada) Fax (604) 543-7354 i"Dynaifzoi ® The Best Available! • ACCURATE measurement of density or specific gravity AT PROCESS CONDITIONS. m IMMEDIATE and CONTINUOUS response to slurries, liquids and highiy viscous materials. • For FUEL to DIESELS - GAS TURBINES - JET ENGINE TEST STANDS, etc. Automation Products, Inc., 3030 Max Roy Street, Houston, Texas 77008-9981 USA Fax 713-869-7332 Phone 800-231-2062 QUALITY... SERVICE... CONRAD Industries, Inc. CONRAD Industries has been satisfying customers since 1948. We specialize in steel barge and drydock construction as well as boat and barge repair, sandblasting and painting, machine shop services and propellar reconditioning. Our new expansion gives us 2000' of bulkhead waterfront. Quick Repairs • Quality Work • Four Drydocks, 2400 Tons CONRAD Industries, Inc. P. o. Box 790 Morgan City, LA 70381 (504) 384-3060 - FAX (504) 385-4090 HAMPTON ROADS MARITIME TRAINING CENTER • The best maritime training available and at fair prices • U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVED COURSES. • Courses held every week. • 5 Radar Displays - Radar Simulator Training since 1983. • Examination Prep Coursees for all licenses/USMMD's. CQAST GUARD APPRQYED COURSES RADAR (Original) 5 Day $ 300.00 RADAR (Renewal) 3 Day $ 150.00 RADAR (Renewal) 1 Day $ 75.00 ARPA (Original) 5 Day $ 425.00 FLASHING LIGHT $ 100.00 207 GRANBY STREET, SUITE 307 NORFOLK, VA 23510 (Across From The Federal Building) PHONE: (804) 622-1869 or 625-2126 JON At LISS ASSOCIATES, INC 411 BOREL AVENUE. SUITE 505 • SAN MATEO. CALIFORNIA 94402 NAVYSTANDARD VANEAXIALFANS Delivery From Stock (415)573-9191 FAX (415) 572-8458 March, 1994 101