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Refrigerant Conversion Requires Advanced Training Significant recent changes in the HVAC/R industry have all factions of the maritime industry concerned with complying with new codes and regulations to remain environmen- tally sound and avoid fines. These changes—including the accelerated phase-out of CFC's; the development and introduction of numerous alternative refrigerants; and the assessment of fines for the violation of environmental regula- tions; and more—are addressed via training seminars by the Environ- mental Training Group. Workers employed in the mari- time industry are not exempted from certain certification requirements. They must pass a certification test through an EPA-approved organi- zation. Test subject areas for the exam include: the environmental impacts of halogenated refriger- ants, regulatory compliance, the ap- plication of the regulation to spe- cific service procedures and replace- ment refrigerants. Environmental Training Group, Inc. employs anum- ber of licensed marine engineers who are conducting training semi- nars geared to the marine industry. The organization is EPA-approved for testing, and will be conducting two national tours of major U.S. port cities, one in the spring and one in the fall. For more information, contact Environmental Training Group at tel: (410) 740-1551. Workshop * Repair Bay * Yacht Storage Maintenance * Boathouse * Field Office * Heavy Equipment Storage WIDTHS AVAILAULE: 10' TO 65' LENGTHS IN 5' INCREMENTS ALL WEATHER PROTECTION—FAST' ASSEMISI Y APPROVED LOR GOVERNMENT CONTRACT BIDDING 1-800-297-8724 UNIVERSAL SHELTERS U.S. Hwy. 19 South * Pelham, GA 31779 912-294-9633 * fax 912-294-7816 Circle 298 on Reader Service Card When the name of the game is fast spill response, make sure the name on the boat is Kvichak. Our SRVs are all-aluminum, but their main ingredient is reliability. They've proven that where it counts - on the job - for people like Alyeska Pipeline, Clean Sound Cooperative, Foss Envi- ronmental, Riedel, and others. Talk to us soon, and put a Kvichak boat on your response team. ^-Kvichaky Marine Industries 615 North 34th Street Seattle, WA 98103 USA Phone (206) 545-8485 FAX (206) 545-3504 Circle 295 on Reader Service Card RIGHT ON THE MONEY. As little as $9,995 gives you the Del Norte 3006 DGPS Survey Quality System — an integrated data collection system with 1 to 2 meters accuracy. The 3006 offers sensor integration, logging capability and guidance software in a single unit. The 3006 is backed by a 1-year warranty, 24-hour telephone support, and service centers world-wide. Clearly, the performance and price are right on the mark. Del Norte Value, Features and Service Del Norte Technology, Inc. USA, P.O.Box696, 1100 Pamela Dr., Euless.TX 76039, Phone (817) 267-3541, Del Norte Technology, Ltd., United Kingdom, Phone 44-793-784487, Del Norte Technology, Inc. Pvt. Ltd., India, Phone 91-22-626-2907 Circle 268 on Reader Service Card MARINE WEATHER: Voluntary Observing Ship Program Seeks Members The Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program is organized to ob- tain weather and oceanographic observations from moving ships. An international program under World Meteorological Organizations aus- pices, the VOS has 49 countries as participants. The U.S. program is the world's largest, with over 1,600 vessels. Observations are taken by deck officers, coded in a special format and transmitted to the National Weather Service. They are then distributed on na- tional and international circuits for use by meteorologists in weather forecasting. The program operates at no cost to the vessel, with communication charges, observing equipment and reporting supplies furnished by the National Weather Service. For more information, contact the National Program Office at tel: (301) 713-1724. Biscayne Bay Pilots Order Gladding-Hearn Boat Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, The Duclos Corp., received an order for a new pilot boat from the Biscayne Bay Pilots Association. The C. Raymond Hunt Associ- ates-designed vessel, a 52-foot (15.9 m) all-aluminum boat, is scheduled for delivery in August and has been dubbed Viscaya. Powered by a pair of Detroit Die- sel engines, each rated at 364 bhp at 2,100 rpm via Twin Disc gears to a four-blade nickel-bronze propeller, the deep-V, hard-chine hull will have a top speed of 22 knots. According to shipyard officials, noise levels in the pilothouse will be under 77 decibels. Metal sheathed, acoustical insu- lation will be placed under the deck and against the engine room bulk- heads. Also, a sound-reducing air-intake system, heavy-duty sound-absorb- ing engine mounts and a hospital- grade muffler system will further help to dampen sound. For more information on the ves- sel building capabilities of Gladding- Hearn, Circlel69 on Reader Service Card VISCAYA Equipment List Main engines Detroit Diesel Gears Twin Disc Engine controls Gensets Hydraulics system Hynautic Radar Depth sounder .. Datamarine Compass Ritchie UHF radio 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News