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Atlantic Marine Delivers 230-Foot Passenger/Vehicle Ferry, "Martha's Vineyard" The Martha's Vineyard, a passenger/vehicle ferry recently delivered by Atlantic Marine. Atlantic Marine, Inc. of Jackson- ville, Fla., recently delivered the ferry Martha's Vineyard to Wood's Hole, Martha's Vineyard, and Nan- tucket Steamship Authority in Mas- sachusetts The 230-foot by 60-foot passen- ger/vehicle ferry will operate be- tween Woods Hole and Martha's Vineyard. According to James Swindler, design supervisor for the Nantucket Steamship Authority, the vessel's performance so far has been excel- lent. It was commissioned on No- vember 16 and was placed into ser- vice on November 22. "We used an existing design, but did some design work in-house to modify it," Mr. Swindler contin- ued. The design of the Martha's Vineyard is similar to the Steam- ship Authority's "Nantucket", which was designed by John Roper. "We held a series of public meetings to get input from the traveling public, and also incorporated what we learned from past experience. We took the best from the best to elimi- nate any past problems." Rodney E. Lay & Associates of Jacksonville, Fla. was contracted to do design drawings. The Martha's Vineyard has the capacity to carry 1,387 passengers, 17 crew and 70 vehicles. Interiors were worked on by Directions In Design of St. Louis, Mo. The pas- senger area features comfortable seating, individual reading lights and a snackbar with two service counters. A public information sys- tem that combines audio messages with lighted message signs through- out the vessel was installed. The decks are accessed by elevator. "We had a very good experience working with Atlantic Marine," Mr. Swindler said. "They're very co- operative," he said of Atlantic Marine's attentiveness to feedback on the ship's construction. The Martha's Vineyard is pow- ered by two GM-12-645E6A diesel engines with two Reintjes WAF1540 reduction gear systems with a ratio of3.039:1. Electrical power for ship's service, air conditioning and light- ing is provided by two 210-kW Cat- erpillar 3406B generator sets. Founded in 1964, Atlantic Ma- rine, Inc. has built all types of ves- sels, including ferry boats, gaming vessels, research vessels, tugs, barges and fishing vessels for both the American and international markets. For more information on Atlantic Marine, Circle 110 on Reader Service Card MARTHA'S VINEYARD EQUIPMENT LIST Main engines GM Generators Caterpillar Bow thruster engine Caterpilla Radar Raytheon Steering gear Sperry Electronic navigation Raytheon Reduction gears Reintjes 360-degree bowthruster Elliot White Gill Seating Turnbul SWATH Ocean Systems Changes Address SWATH Ocean Systems, Inc., a world leader in SWATH vessel con- struction and design, has moved lo- cation and expanded its facility. The new address for SWATH headquarters and construction fa- cilities is 1313 W. 24th St., National City, Calif. 91950, tel: (619) 336- 4615; fax: (619) 336-4616. Presently under construction at SWATH Ocean's National City facil- ity is the 117-foot SWATH Oceano- graphic vessel "Western Flyer," be- ing built for the Monterey Bay Aquarium & Research Institute. Sea Recovery's Pocket DS Meter Tests Water Electrically, Affordably The Sea Recovery Pocket DS Meter is designed to check the prod- uct water quality of a desalinator (watermaker), and at only 5.75 inches in length, it can easily be stored or used immediately. Two probe sensors determine the min- eral content of water by determin- ing the electrical current through the water. The greater the miner- als, the greater the electrical cur- rent. The meter operates accurately between 50 and 104 degrees Fahr- enheit. The scale readings are in equivalent sodium chloride strength PPM (parts per million) between 10 and 1,000 PPM — typical variances for drinking water. Sea Recovery's Pocket DS Meter is affordable, and also useful for checking potable R.O. water and home tapwater. For more information on Sea Recovery's Pocket DS Meter, Circle 102 on Reader Service Card Danish Danyard Wins Letter of Intent To Build 7 Tankers Danyard A/S has signed a letter of intent to construct seven chemi- cal tankers for Stolt-Nielsen S.A. for between $65- and $70-million a ves- sel. The first vessel will be delivered in October 1995. The agreement also includes an option for the deliv- ery of three additional vessels, to be delivered in 1998. Danyard was reportedly chosen because it is able to build special double-hulled chemical tankers. Olson Named Chairman Of Board, CEO Of Alaska Washington Ship Repair Alaska Washington Ship Repair and Steel Fabrication, Inc. (AK-WA) has named Fred Olson chairman of the board of directors and CEO. Succeeding Mr. Olson as president of the company is Douglas Johnson. Succeeding Mr. Johnson as vice president is Frank Johnson. William Ball is now CFO and secretary/treasurer. Port Everglades Hosts Trade/Transportation Conference Port Everglades hosted Cargo/ Cruise 2000, an intensive program which focused on the future chal- lenges of international trade and tourism, on November 3-5. The conference featured key federal rep- resentatives, plus a variety of top industry officials, including: James Amoss, chair, executive commit- tee, Lykes Brothers Steamship Co.; James Carey, president, Crowley American Transport, Inc.; Peter Finnerty, vice-president, govern- mental affairs, Sea-Land Service, Inc.; The Honorable Ming Chen Hsu, commissioner, Federal Mari- time Commission; and Bill McCurdy, Jr., logistics and com- merce counsel, E.I. DuPont. Kvaerner Units Win Oil Field Engineering Contract And Chemical Tankers Contract R.J. Brown and Associates, Kvaerner AS's Australian subsid- iary, won a $2 million contract to design and engineer topside equip- ment for two offshore oil field plat- forms in Australia. The contract is for six process/mechanical skids and two structural skids for the Wanaea and Cossack fields on Australia's North West Shelf. Kvaerner's Kvaerner Floroe yard won a $140 million contract to build two chemical tankers for Bergen- based shipowner Storli. Storli reportedly still retains the option to cancel one of the ships, but also has the option to order two additional ships from Kvaerner. The two ships are scheduled for delivery in 1996 and 1997. Kvaerner is currently building two other ships for Storli, for deliv- ery in 1995. Intertanko Offers New Safety And Pollution Prevention Brochure Intertanko is offering a new bro- chure titled "Safety and Pollution Prevention - A Continuing Process." The brochure sets out the progress past and present in improving tanker safety and pollution preven- tion. The new color brochure shows that most of the recent develop- ments in improved tanker safety have come from shipowners' initia- tives, rather than as a result of international rules and laws. The brochure outlines item-by- item the specific measures and de- velopments which have been taken to increase safety and reduce pollu- tion risks, indicating the costs and the benefits in each case. The bro- chure also points the way to some future improvements. To find out more about Intertanko's new brochure, contact the company at tel: +47 22 44 03 40; fax: +47 22 56 32 22. December, 1993 65