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KUiSff :m For International Safety At Sea... See Us At Fish Expo Booth #239 GMDSS EPIRB From ALDEN The SATFIND-406TU EPIRB activates automatically or manually and provides global coverage which can lead to timely rescue. Designed for maximum reliability, it features an enclosed antenna, 5 year battery, unique release mech- anism and high strobe position- ing for maximum visibility. Can be mounted vertically, hori- zontally or slanted. Approved by COSPAS- SARSAT, the US Coast Guard, Canada and many other countries. SJOJFIND 406EPRB NAVTEX AE-900 GMDSS NAVTEX From ALDEN The Alden NAVTEX Receiver AE-900 automatically receives important text bulle- tins worldwide includ- ing navigational and weather warnings, forecasts, LORAN and GPS messages and more. Selected bulletins are printed without repetition and SAR messages are received with both audible and visual alarms. It complies with GMDSS, IMO, CCIR and CEPT standards. ALDEN RELIABILITY. Mariners have trusted Alden's marine electronics for years. The SATFIND-406 EPIRB and NAVTEX Receiver AE-900 continue the reputation for value, durability and relia- bility that has made Alden's award-winning Marinefax and Faxmate weather chart recorders industry stan- dards. For more information, call (508) 366-8851. ALDENELECTRON ICS Dept. 62-40 Washington Street*Westborough, MA 01581-0500 USA Phone: (508) 366-8851 • FAX (508) 898-2427 Please send me information on: • SATFIND-406 EPIRB • NAVTEX Receiver AE-900 Name Company. Address City Country # Ships in fleet. . State _ . Phone J_ -Zip. ) Mail or Fax to Alden Electronics, Inc. • Dept 62 • 40 Washington Street • Westborough. MA 01581-0500 USA Circle 269 on Reader Service Card ON THE COVER Pictured on the cover is the Bold Adven- turess, built by J.M. Martinac Shipbuild- ing Corporation. The vessel, powered by MaK diesel engines and featuring Caterpillar generators, is 250 feet long and is owned by Edmund A. Gann, et al. Pictured in the inset box is the first of a new minehunter class for the U.S. Navy, built by Intermarine USA (see page 56). INSIDE: UPDATE: Phoenix World City And The "Virtual Shipyard" 22 Preview: Fish Expo '93 30 FEATURE: Safety At Sea: Industry Leaders Speak Out 37 Preview: Ship Repair & Conversion '93 51 NEW TECHNOLOGY: Intermarine USA Delivers First Glass Reinforced Plastic Minehunter To The USN Preview: ASNE Technical Symposium Calendar 56 65 69 NASSCO Awarded $1.3 Billion Contract National Steel and Shipbuilding Co. (NASSCO) has received a $265 million contract from the U.S. Navy to design and build a Strategic Sealift Ship. The contract contains options to build an additional five vessels. If all six vessels are built, the contract will grow to $1.3 billion. The engineering and planning will begin immediately, and delivery of the lead ship is scheduled for the second quarter of 1997. 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