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LEGISLATION UPDATE (Continued from page 35) MarAd News (continued) "Star of Oregon" to Crosseas Ship- ping Ltd., of Leicester, England. The vessel, which was built in New- port News, Va. in 1953, would be resold to Baldev Ship Breakers of Shastringer, Bhavnagar India for scrapping in that country. • MarAd Issues Invitation For Bids For Scrapping Of Vessels MarAd has issued an invitation for bids no. EXC-8629 offering 12 obsolete vessels for scrapping within the U.S. or approved foreign coun- tries. They are located at national Defense Reserve Fleet sites in James River, Va. and Suisun Bay, Calif. The four vessels located at James River RF are: Elko Victory; Selma Victory; Wayne Victory; and Madi- son Jordan Manchester. The eight vessels located at Suisun Bay RF are: Bucknell Victory; Central Vic- tory; Council Bluffs Victory; Lahaina Victory; Las Vegas Vic- tory; Lindenwood Victory; Loyola Victory; and Massilon Victory. They are being sold "as is, where is," and bids must be received by 2:30 p.m. on October 15 by the Maritime Ad- ministration (Code 745.1), U.S. Dept. of Transportation, 400 Sev- enth St., S.W., Room 4342, Wash- ington, D.C. 20590. • OMI Asks To Sell Tanker MarAd received an application from OMI Corp. of New York for permission to sell the 37,583-dwt tanker OMI Wabash to Vijay Ship Breaking Corp, Gujarat, India, for scrapping in that country. The ves- sel was built in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1969. • Marine Hydraulics Wins $2.8 Million MarAd Contract MarAd awarded a $2.8 million contract to Marine Hydraulics Intl. Inc. of Norfolk, Va. for prepositioning upgrades for the Ready Reserve Force vessels MTV Cape Hudson and M/V Cape Horn. The work on both vessels will in- volve prepositioning upgrades and repairs including tank and cargo hold repairs, modifications to the decontamination station and work on air conditioning and dehumidifi- cation systems. The Cape Horn will also be drydocked and its stern ramp repaired. The work is expected to be completed within 60 calendar days. • MarAd Approves Global Marine Nautilus Request MarAd has approved a request from Global Marine Nautilus, Inc. for permission to sell the 6,264-gt drilling vessel Glomar Moray Firth I to Transocean Drilling. The vessel will be used in offshore drilling op- erations in the U.K. sector of the North Sea. • Southern Holdings Seeks MarAd's Permission To Sell MarAd also received a request from Southern Holdings, Inc. of New Orleans for permission to sell and transfer to registry in the Cayman Islands the drill barge Mr. T.M. tc Cad-Drill. The proposed purchaser is North Africa, Ltd., c/o Caledonian Bank & Trust Ltd., Georgetown, Grand Cayman. The vessel was built in 1977 in New Iberia, La., and will be used in oil drilling. MarAd's permission is required by section 9 of the Shipping Act of 1916. Fiscal1 rear 1994 Lej gislative Items ITEM HOUSE SENATE STATUS Anti-Subsidy Bills H.R. 1402, The Shipbuilding Trade Reform Act of 1993, to provide remedies against foreign ship- building and repair subsidies (Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee) S. 990, Senate version excludes anti-dumping/ countervailing duty pro- visions (Merchant Marine Subcommittee) Hearing already on 1402 Sealift H.R. 2401, FY 1994 Defense Authori- zation House Armed Services Committee (HASC): Adds $290 Million in FY 1994 funds for the National Defense Sealift Fund (NDSF) S. 1298, FY 1994 Defense Authorization, Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC): Creates Ntl. Def. Strategic Lift Fund: Total budget $2.7 billion Floor votes taking place at press time Foreign Repairs Of Navy Snips H.R. 2401 HASC: Restricts foreign maintenance of Navy ships, prohibits depot-level work on U.S. Navy ships by foreign yards; restricts govt, charter of vessels re-flagged/converted in foreign yards Not addressed by SASC Floor vote taking place at press time SCA supports HASC items Public/Private Navy Ship Maintenance H.R. 2401 HASC: Requires formation of commission to examine public vs. private maintenance; requires calculation of 60% floor for public yard to be made for each ship class; restricts 60% floor to five years after delivery; allows govt, yards to compete for non-govt. work Not addressed by SASC Floor vote taking place at press time National Shipbuilding Initiative H.R. 2401 HASC: provides expanded Title XI loan guarantees; (1) $175 million for U.S. built ships, domestic and export, (2) $25 million for yard modernization; incorporates $100 million defense conversion funds for ship design/production R&D Not addressed by SASC Floor vote taking place at press time Govt. Ship Chartering H.R. 2401 HASC: Authorizes five-year charters for DoD double-hulled tankers and oceanographic vessels Not addressed by SASC Floor vote taking place at press time Defense Export Guarantees Not addressed S. 1298 SASC: Authorizes $25 million for $1 billion defense export loans Floor vote taking place at press time National Shipbuilding & Conversion Act H.R. 2547: HASC/Merchant Marine & Fisheries: loan guarantees/R&D items put in H.R. 2401; extends charter period of DoD double-hull tanker to 10 years; provides series construction payments for U.S. yards to convert to commercial shipbuilding No action in Senate Items included in other House bills SCA strongly supports items, regardless of vehicle Series Transition Payments H.R. 2151 MM&F Committee: Creates a program of payments for series-built ship construction to subsidize the transition or U.S. yards from the defense market to the commercial market No action in Senate Item in U.S.-flag subsidy bill. No funding source identified SOURCE: Shipbuilders Council of America 36 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News