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A. Fai Delivers 11th High-Speed Catamaran Dubbed Jin Xing, a 92-foot alumi- num high-speed ferry was recently completed by A. Fai Engineers and Shiprepairers for the Shen Zhen Shipping Company of Guangdong Province in the Peoples Republic of China. The Jin Xing, which was designed by Advanced Multi-Hull Designs, is the 11th high-speed cata- maran built by A. Fai of Hong Kong. It will be followed by the delivery of another vessel designed by Ad- vanced Multi-Hull Designs, a 79- foot version, by the end of the year. The Jin Xing is made of marine grade aluminum, and built to DnV High Speed and Light Craft rules, classed by the Chinese Classifica- tion Society. The 28-dwt vessel is powered by a pair of Deutz MWM TBD diesels, and is capable of carry- ing 242 passengers. For more information on the de- sign expertise of Advanced Multi- Hull Designs, Circle 109 on Reader Service Card ABB Turbochargers Appoints New Head Of After Sales Service Dino Capanni took over as gen- eral manager of after sales service from Peter Neth, effective October 1, 1993. Mr. Neth was promoted to vice president, and will assume the re- sponsibilities of the R&D and pro- duction departments at ABB CMC Carl Maier & Co. Ltd. in Switzer- land. He was a member of the ABB (previously BBC) Turbocharger team for 16 years. Mr. Capanni, the new head of ABB Turbochargers service and spare parts activities, which includes 80 service stations worldwide, has been with ABB Turbochargers since 1972. Thordon Bearings Earns ISO 9000 Certification Thordon Bearings, Inc., a mem- ber of the Thomson-Gordon Group, is now a part of North America's exclusive corporate group of those holding ISO 9000 international qual- ity assurance certification. Devel- oped by the International Standards of Organization, the ISO 9000 series provide comprehensive quality as- surance procedures. Utilizing a unique self-lubricat- ing elastomeric polymer, Thordon bearings reportedly offer exceptional wear life. Thordon bearings are supplied in various configurations and used by navies, commercial vessels, hydro- electric power producers and indus- trial plants in over 50 countries. For a free brochure on Thordon Bearings, Inc., Circle 107 on Reader Service Card October, 1993 Thai Navy Orders Atlas Elektronik Simulator Atlas Elektronik was awarded a contract by the Royal Thai Navy for the supply of a modular-designed ship-handling simulator. Due for installation at the Royal Thai Naval Academy in Bangkok in August of 1994, the unit will be used for, among other things, the train- ing of personnel in ship maneuver- ing and navigation operations, as Model 500BFM at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. well as general team training exer- cises. Computer-generated imagery will be provided by Atlas Elektronik's latest DISI 4N system for real-time simulation of visual ship and ship- handling scenarios on a 240-degree panoramic screen via a series of over- head color video projectors. For more free information on the full spectrum of Atlas Elektronik products, Circle 110 on Reader Service Card BP Launches Computerized Marine Atlas For Windows BP Shipping launched a new com- puterized Marine Atlas for Windows, making the task of finding ports anywhere in the world reportedly easier and faster than the book method. The atlas contains more than 7,000 ports and prominent geo- graphical features such as capes, (Continued on page 12) Marine Travelift Big Capacity Mobile Shiplifts Offer ShipYards More Service Opportunities Expand your boat service opportunities with Marine Travelift's new 500 ton capacity or the 250 ton capacity mobile shiplifts.. .and capture a larger share of profits. Model 300BFM lifts a 270 ton boat at Fairhaven Shipyard, Fairhaven, MA. mRRine ^TRRV£LIFT,r Circle 239 on Reader Service Card 11 Fast, Efficient and Maneuverable • Open End and Beam Forward Design • Diesel-Hydraulic Powered • Hydrostatic Hoisting, Travel, Steering and Sling Spacing Control • Smooth Fast Action Hoisting • Synchronized Automatic Load Equalizing • Full Instrumentation and All Controls in Operator's Cab • Easy Access Maintenance. 250 AM0 with 108 YP Navy Training Vessel at U.S. Navy Small Craft Repair Facility, Annapolis, Maryland. For more information and complete specifications on our large capacity lifts or our complete line of mobile boat hoists with capacities from 15 to 500 tons, contact your local representative or Marine Travelift, Inc., 49 E. Yew St., P0. Box 66, Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 • 414-743-6202 • Telex: LIFTS STGB 260056 • Fax: 414-743-1522.