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Customers who know Julie Madden, IDB MOBILE'S Customer Service Coordinator, call her to help them solve everyday communications problems. MOBILE Julie connects with customers. Telephone, fax, telex, IDB Mail. They're Julie's communica- tions tools. But it is Julie's philosophy that truly connects the needs of a customer with the solutions of IDB MOBILE: Help customers to make the best use of mobile satellite services, so communications can be like calling from home. We like Julie's philosophy so much, we decided to make it IDB MOBILE'S philosophy as well. You asked for it. Here are examples of IDB MOBILE solutions created by our customers: IDB MAIL Send and receive messages via satellite from wherever you are and distribute to electronic mailboxes, postal addresses, fax, telex machines and more. PHONE PROGRAMS Install an IDB MOBILE phone and interface on board to allow crew and passengers to have flexible methods of payment: debit card, credit card, or collect. BROADCAST Transmit a document once. Have all designat- ed recipients receive the document simultane- ously at a truly unbeatable rate. INMARSAT-C AND AMSC Global access to and from Inmarsat-C and AMSC mobile terminals at rates that are revo- lutionary because they're so understandable. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL JULIE TODAY, IF YOUR COMPANY WANTS TO BE WELL CONNECTED: 800-432-2376 202-973-5105 Fax 202-973-5101 Telex 7403050 Circle 212 on Reader Service Card