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:ALENDAR OCTOBER leamen's House Reception: Oc- ober 13, New York Whitehall Club, New York Contact: (212) 741-9221. nternational Offshore Con- racting & Subsea Engineering: )ctober 13-16, Aberdeen, U.K. Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Center. Contact: Spearhead Exhi- >itions, Ltd., Judith Patten, Seville House, 55 Eden St., Kingston lpon Thames, Surrey KT11BW; tel: -44 81 547 1566; fax: +44 81 547 L143. 'Oil Pollution Act of 1990: Who tVill Bear the Costs of Compli- ance?": October 18, New York .^ew York Athletic Club, 180 Cen- tral Park South, New York, N.Y. 10019, tel: (212) 247-5100 Contact: Gina Pirozzi, G. Pirozzi & \ssocs., tel: (718) 858-1273; or Joanne Pateas, Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, tel: (212) 269-6380. ASNE Fleet Maintenance Sym- posium: October 19-21, San Diego, Calif. Contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke St., Al- exandria, Va. 22314; tel: (703) 836- 6727. West European Cooperation in Marine Technology (WEMT '93): October 20-22, Madrid "Ship Production and Ship Procure- ment" conference. Contact: Juan Pablo Merino; tel: 34-1-448 4301; fax: 34-1-446 0198. "Ports are for Everyone": Octo- ber 27-29, San Diego, Calif. Contact: DuWayne Koch or B.L. Edwards, tel: (202) 504-4312. Admiral of the Ocean Sea Awards Dinner: October 29, New York Contact: Barbara Yeninas at (201) 226-8580 or Roger Korner at (212) 775-1033. Human Resources in the Ship- ping Industry: October 31-Novem- ber 5, Cambridge, England Contact: Charlotte Baile at Cam- bridge Academy of Transport; tel: +44 223-845-242. NOVEMBER NSRP Ship Production Sympo- sium: November 1-4, Williamsburg, Va. Contact: NSRP Ship Production Symposium, UMTRI, Marine Sys- tems Division, 2901 Baxter Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109-2150; fax: (313) 936-1081. ASNE Naval Engineering Sym- posium: November 8-10, Washing- ton, D.C. Contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke St., Al- exandria, Va. 22314; tel: (703) 836- 6727. Ship Repair & Conversion '93: November 9-10, London, England Contact: John Gwynn-Jones, BML Business Meetings Ltd., 2 Station Road, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1QP, England; tel: +44 923 776363; fax: +44 923 777206. Clean Seas '93: November 9-11, Valetta, Malta Mediterranean Conference Center. Contact: Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd., Mediterranean Oilfield Services Co. Ltd., Manoel Island, Malta, tel: +356 336408/9, 331411; fax: +356 339511. Ship Structure Symposium '93: November 16-17, Arlington, Va. Sheraton National Hotel. Cospon- sored by SNAME and the Ship Struc- ture Committee. Contact: Cdr. Stephen E. Sharpe, Commandant (G-MI/SCC), 2100 Sec- ond St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20593-0001; tel: (202) 267-0003; fax: (202) 267-4677. 26th Europort: November 16-20, Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition Cen- ter. Gastech RAI, Ltd.; tel: +44 71436 9774; fax: +44 71 436 5694. Wo valve is perfect for everything. (That's why MMC gives you so many choices.) What are you looking for in vapor control valves? Easy installation? Vaporless gauging? Positive shutoff? Low installation cost? Easy mainte- nance? Compactness for tight spaces? No matter. The MMC line includes just the valve you need. And you can count on us to help you meet the latest USCG and other applicable regulations. Micro B has 2" flanged end for positive shutoff, 316 stainless steel construction with Tellon seats and seals. MMC has been designing and manufacturing marine equipment for over 50 years. SBM^ It's this reputation ft J! that makes MMC — a name you can trust. Model U fits directly on existing ullage hatch, requires no hot work for installa- tion, no staging, no gas freeing of tanks. Keeping You in Control MMC International Corp. 60 Inip Drive Inwood, NY 11696-1096 U.S.A. Phone: 800-645-7339 516-239-7339 Telex: 96-0140 MAMCAFINND Fax: 516-371-3134 MMC (Europe) Ltd. South Nelson Road South Nelson Industrial Estate Cramlington Northumberland NE239HL UK Phone: 0670-738111 Telex: 537005 MARINE G Fax: 0670-738789 MMC (Asia) Ltd. 2-20,4-Chome, Isobe-Dori Chuo-ku, Kobe 651 Japan Phone: 078-251-1033 Telex: 5624163 OPECK J Fax: 078-252-0265 Circle 236 on Reader Service Card I Mackay f COMMUNICATIONS GMDSS MRU 2000-INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS CONSOLE • Satisfying safety and business requirements • Fully compliant with IMO-CCIR GMDSS resolutions and recommendations • Easy installation - Centralized operation ' S&BssP ' :mm:sif? * ^ . SBiMk '! - ^inh:-- II • I w . | For further information, contact Mackay..... Leaders in maritime communications electronics for over 75 years 300 Columbus Circle, Edison, New Jersey 08837 Tel.: (908) 225-0909 Fax: (908) 225-2848 Tlx.: 4754132 or 4754584 Circle 238 on Reader Service Card October, 1993 69