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ASNE Technical Symposium Applying Composites In The Marine Environment: Overcoming Barriers, Setting Standards, Progressive Learning The American Society of Naval ngineers (ASNE) is jointly spon- >ring a technical symposium called Applying Composites in the Ma- ne Environment" on November 8- 0, 1993 at the Radisson Plaza Ho- il, Savannah, Ga. The symposium 5 also sponsored by: • Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN, New Means • Navy Center of Excellence for Composites ManufacturingTechnol- >gy The Society of Naval Architects md Marine Engineers is also par- ticipating. Highlights of the ASNE sympo- sium program to date include: • Successful Applications of Com- posites in the Marine Environment • Marine Composite Design Is- sues, Concepts and Case Studies • Marine Composite Research De- velopments • Materials and Manufacturing Technology for Marine Composites, and; • Marine Composites Inspection, Testing and Standards For more information on the ASNE Technical Symposium "Ap- plying Composites in the Marine Environment," contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. 22314- 3458; tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491. ASNE Schedule Of Events: • Sunday, Nov. 7: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Reception Exhibitors • Monday, Nov. 8: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Registration 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - Welcome to the Symposium, given by chairman of the symposium David Guern- sey, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, New Orleans 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Hospitality Room 9:15 a.m. - 10:45 p.m. - General Session A Paper 101: Technical Issues and Design Challenges for Composite Marine Structures, L. Smith - New- port News Paper 102: Briefing on Intermarine USA Facility and Ship Tour, B. Eccles - Intermarine USA 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Session B Design and Application: Paper 103: A Comprehensive De- sign Process for the Application of Composites to the Marine Environ- ment, E. Bernardon, J. Gorman, G. Ogrodnik - Draper Laboratory Paper 104: Design Fabrication and Testing of Resin Transfer Molded Components for Marine Vehicles, K. Koudela, L. Strait, E. Strauch, R. Marboe, C. Schott - Penn State University; R. Brookes Sherwood RTM Materials Technology: Paper 203: Long-Term Durability of Fiber/Matrix Interfacial Bonding in Salt Water, R. Latour, M. Meyer - Clemson University Paper 204: A Sandwich Composite using Fiber Reinforced Polymer and a Honeycomb Core as a Candidate for Marine Dock-Deck and Pier-Deck Application, J. Plunkett, R. Cohen, B. Kunz, J. Kunz - Mega Marine Structures 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Lunch (In- vited speakers: Honorable Jack Kingston, Mayor Susan Weiner) 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Walking Garden Tour ($10 per person); 19th Century Antique and Gift Shopping by Horse Drawn Carriage ($20 per person) 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - Session C Paper 105: Design, Analysis, Fab- rication & Testing of a Composite Control Surface, R. Phelan - New- port News Paper 106: The Use of Advanced Composites in Commercial and Mili- tary Marine Applications, D. Cripps - SP Systems Paper 205: Sandwich Core Creep at Three Temperatures and Fatigue Properties of End-Grain Balsa and PVC, J. Chevalier, Baltek Corp. Paper 206: Foam Filled Sandwich Structures for Marine Applications, W. Schmidt - Northrop Corp. 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Session D Paper 107: Development of Poly- mer Composite Sonar Transducer Mounting Hardware, A. Bray, B. Muskupf, C. Thomspon - Texas Research Institute/NRL Paper 108: Thick Composites Fab- rication and Embedded Sensor Sys- tems Program, J. Kelly - ARPA - Marine Systems Tech. Office Paper 207: New Construction and Repair with Photocuring Resin and Associated Materials, B. Pfund - Pfund Special Projects Paper 208: Evaluation of Alterna- tive Reinforcements Under Under- water Explosion Environment, B. Gregory, A. Kurzweil - CASDE/ NAVSEA 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Cocktail Reception; Ships of the Sea Mari- time Museum (cash bar) • Tuesday, Nov. 9: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Registration 8:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - Session E Design and Application: Paper 109: Development of a Fila- ment Wound Composite Radiating Shell for an Underwater Acoustic Transducer, A. Bray, S. Nichols, R. Westervolt - Texas Research Institute/N CCOSC Paper 110: Composite Underwater Instrumentation Housing, P. Weinhold, P. Biernnann, M. House - Johns Hopkins University Materials Technology: Paper 209: Thermoplastic Polyes- ter Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Poly- ester Resin Laminates, S. Lewit, R. Reichard, S. McDowell - Struc- First of a new minehunter class, from Intermarine USA of Savannah, Ga. tural Composites/Hoechest Celanese Paper 210: The Effect of Seawater on Thick Polymeric Composite Ma- terials, W. Bradley, B. Chou - Texas A&M 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Session F Fire, Smoke and Toxicity: Paper 111: Progress in Fire Protec- tion of Composite Structures, C. Rollbauser, R. Purcell, H. Dou- glas, C. Beck, J. Ness - NSWC Carderock/Advance Systems Tech. Paper 112: Development of Fire Safety Standards for Composites Materials Used in Commercial Ma- rine Applications, Lt. P. Coxan - U.S. Coast Guard, Ship Design Branch Paper 211: Using GRP Sandwich Construction in the Marine Envi- ronment: Past, Present and Future, M. Zvanik - Barracuda Technolo- gies Paper 212: A New Approach to Low FST Sandwich Structures, R. Heitkamp - Ciba Geigy Corp. 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Reception and Lunch (Invited speakers: ASNE H.Q. Speaker R. Adm. Robert Traister, Deputy Commander Sur- face Combats, NAVSEA 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Historic/ Victorian District Tour ($10 per per- son) 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - Session G: Paper 113: Fire Performance of Com- posites Materials for Naval Applica- tions, E. Greene - Structural Com- posites Inc. Paper 114: An Investigation of Flame, Smoke, Toxicity & Mechani- cal Properties of Pultruded Phenolic Composites, T. Dailey, M. Klett, R. Allison - Indspec Chemical Com- pany/PPG/Creative Pultrusions Manufacturing & Processes: Paper 213: Open Paper 214: Open 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Session H Paper 115: Fire, Smoke and Toxic- ity of Composite Materials for Ship- board and Submarine Applications, U. Sorathia, C. Beck, T. Dupp - Naval Surface Warfare Center Paper 116: The Use of Low Smoke/ Low Toxicity Phenolic Composites in Marine Applications, A. Mekjiac - B. P. Chemicals Inc. Paper 215: Cast Aluminum Com- posites for Marine Machinery - Sta- tus of Foundry Technology & Case Study, E. Moyer, J. Santner - NKF Engineering/Packer Engineering Paper 216: Filament Winding of Integrally Ring Stiffened Pressure Hull Cylinders, W. Kilbourn, W. Couch - Martin Marietta 6:00 p.m. - Cocktail Reception 7:00 p.m. - Banquet (Invited speak- ers: Dean H. Hines, Intermarine USA, R. Adm. Millard S. Firebaugh, Deputy Commander for Ship Design & Engineering, NAVSEA) • Wednesday, Nov. 10: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - Session I Testing: Paper 117: Open Paper 118: Use of Infrared Imag- ing in the Non-Destructive Inspec- tion of Thick GRP Lamination & Ship Structures, B. Gregory, A. Kurzweif - CASDE/NAVSEA Paper 217: The Development and Intended Use of the NATO Allied Naval Engineering Publication on "EMC/EMI Ship Design and Instal- lation Criteria for Non-Metallic (GRP Ships)" Paper 218: Fabrication Processes Under Development for Thick Com- posite Submarine Structures, J. Hall, G. Leon - G.D./Electrical Boat Division 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. - Session J Paper 119: Blister Formation in Carbon Fiber Composite Materials Exposed to the Marine Environment, S. Miriyala, W. Tucker, T. Rockett, R. Brown - University of Rhode Island/NSWC Paper 120: Use of Short Beam Shear Specimens for Quality Control of Thick Composite Structures, J. Fogarty, R. Bohlmann, J. Kelly - McDonnell Douglas/ARPA Maritime Systems Paper 219: Office of Naval Research Perspectives on Composites for Ma- rine Structures; Challenges and Current Research, Y. Rajapakac - Office of Naval Research Paper220: The Navy's Marine Com- posite Center, Melbourne, Fla., J. Ray - Great Lakes Composites Con- sortium October, 1993 65