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Sonic Cleaner Helps Boiler Run More Efficiently, Lowers Operating Cost Infrasonik Inc. of Baltimore, a sub- sidiary of Infrasonik AB of Sweden, is a pioneer and market leader for low- frequency sound soot removal equip- ment. Infrasonik's technology is based on maintaining a constant level of infrasound in the boiler with a low frequency (approximately 20 Hz) and long wavelength (17 to 30 m). The equipment is called InfrafoneR sonic cleaner, and it consists of a sound generator connected to a quarter wavelength resonance tube. The Infrafone is running continuously, so all heat transfer surfaces are continuously kept clean. This re- sults in a higher boiler efficiency, and in the end, lower operating costs. For more information from Infrasonik, Inc., Circle 75 on Reader Service Card SIMRAD Robertson Debuts New Trawl Net Monitor Building on the features of its previous trawl sonar system, SIMRAD Robertson, Inc. introduced the FS 900 Trawl Monitoring Sys- tem, which is designed as a full- feathered net monitoring system for trawl fisheries. The FS 900 uses specially-designed rotating sonar heads to closely watch underwater activity. Three systems are avail- able, from a basic, cost-effective so nar with operating depths of 401 fathoms, to the complete systen which includes water temperatun and catch indicators with an operat ing depth of 950 fathoms. For more information , Circle 70 on Reader Service Card Underwater Paint System No Longer Experimental Richard W. Welsford, presidenl of the company which manufactures and promotes the Hycote™ 151 fam- ily of underwater epoxy paints, be- lieves the technology has now proven itself in the marine market. Since their inception in Australia in the early 1980s, the products have been used on various submerged marine structures worldwide. Hycote was specifically developed to be applied economically by hand, or mechanically, above or below the waterline. Citing a satisfied cus- tomer as an excellent marketing tool, Mr. Welsford explains the experi- ences Seaward Marine has had with Hycote. Seaward successfully ap- plied Hycote across a broad spec- trum of ambient conditions under- water, applications ranging from the Persian Gulf in August to the North- ern Atlantic in December, from ar- eas as small as 10 square feet to as much as 1,200 square feet. David Allan, vice president of U.T. Technologies Ltd. said, "The real proof appears when vessels are drydocked. Our coatings that were applied properly underwater are per- forming better than those applied during a previous drydocking. Own- ers often are specifying Hycote for the stabilizing fins, struts and rud- ders, where few other coatings sur- vive," said Mr. Allan. For more information on the Hycote line from U.T. Technologies, Circle 72 on Reader Service Card FCC-Approved Radar Reportedly Helps Cut Operator Fatigue The Sperry Marine MK-4217R Rasterscan River Radar, already proven on European rivers, has re- ceived FCC approval and can now be sold in the U.S. Designed specifi- cally for use on rivers, the new radar consists of two units: a seven-foot or nine-foot antenna/transceiver and the display. A membrane-type illu- minated keyboard is used to control the display. The new high-defini- tion radar presentation is free of flicker and jitter, which can help cut down on operator fatigue. The MK4217R River Radar is a break- through in display technology for river and waterway applications with its specific close range and con- fined water navigation, said com- pany vice president John V. DeMaso. For more information on the new Sperry radar, Circle 73 on Reader Service Card The, Gulf Coast's best bet for ship repair is now even better. For more than 70 years, Bender has been the leading ship repair facility on the central Gulf of Mexico. Now, we're even better. Along our 7,000 feet of deep water frontage, we've built new yards and wet docks, improved equipment, and added dry docks to raise lifting capacities to 20,000 tons. These modern Panamax facilities and an around-the-clock workforce put muscle behind our promise of fast, reliable ship repair. Now, more than ever, Bender is your best bet for ship repair on the Gulf of Mexico. BENDER SHIPBUILDING & REPAIR CO., INC. 265 South Water Street • Mobile, Alabama 36603 USA • P.O. Box 42 • Mobile, Alabama 36601 USA • (205) 431-8000 • FAX (205) 432-2260 • Telex 505457 Circle 205 on Reader Service Card Stearns is made to shrug-off the worst that four seasons and seven seas can throw at any workers on any job. Keeps them safer and drier without restricting movement or productivity. Choose from the full line of flotation and DryiWear" garments by Stearns ... the most trusted name on the water. For more information call 1-800-328-3208. Those Who KnowThe Sea Know Stearns. STEARNS • P.O. Box 1498 • St. Cloud. MN 56302 A an Anthony Industries company Circle 252 on Reader Service Card