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TRIBON -THE SHIPBUILDING SYSTEM PLANNING^ PAPTS MANUFACTVKt FINANCE & fOilDVJ-[)P MATERIALS PRODUCTION DKI Gf TENDERING! \ C0MMS5I0NIN61- TRIBON is a totally integrated design and information system created to fit the specific business needs of the shipbuilding industry. TRIBON provides advanced features for the assembly phase of ship production and materials control. TRIBON is tailor-made to support the following main activities in the shipbuilding process; TENDERING, DESIGN, PRODUCTION, MATERIALS, PLANNING, FINANCE AND FOLLOW-UP. TRIBON also combines the best features from AUTOKON, SCHIFFKO and STEERBEAR which are installed at more than 125 sites in Asia, Australia, Europe, South and North America. Circle 231 on Reader Service Card KCS Kockums Computer Systems Please send me further information about TRIBON. To Kockums Computer Systems AB, P .0. Box 50555, S-20215 Malmo, Sweden. Phone +46 40 10 34 55, Telefax+ 46 40 97 8415. Name Title Company nj-Address jTPostal code and Town f |vCountry