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Technisch Bureau Steur GmbH, Unifog is ideal for all areas of a vessel. A typical Unifog system in- cludes a pump station, water supply break tanks, direction valves, dis- tribution pipes, waterfog nozzles, programmable logic control and an addressable fire alarm system. For more from Unitor, Circle 24 on Reader Service Card New Evacuation Chute Receives Acclaim Dunlop-Beaufort Canada, Ltd. (DBC), manufacturer, distributor and service facility for SOLAS and other approved Beaufort inflatable liferafts, recently announced the North American product launch of its Marine Evacuation Chute (MEC). The system was developed specifi- cally for quick evacuation of large numbers of passenger off-sea ves- sels. The chutes have been installed on six new Canadian-built ferries, including the two new British Co- lumbia Super Ferrries. The MEC is specified on several new American vessels to be built in 1993 and 1994. Each MEC installation weighs less than one ton and occupies six square meters of deck space. Life rafts can be stowed in racks above head height. For more information on the MEC from the company, Circle 19 on Reader Service Card REL, Inc. Offers SpilCAT Products Reduced Environmental Liabil- ity, Inc. (REL) is a New Jersey-based company which distributes SpilCAT products. SpilCAT takes its name from the abbreviation C.A.T.—Cap- illary Absorbent Technology. SpilCAT is a non-hazardous, non- toxic, biodegradable, hydrophobic, non-flammable product which ab- sorbs 60 times its weight in target liquid. REL, Inc. supplies users with SpilCAT configured products (par- ticulate, mats, booms, spill kits, etc.) to address OPA90 on-deck response, engine room and on-water clean up. For more information on SpilCAT from REL, Inc., Circle 21 on Reader Service Card New Line Of VHF Radios Meet GMDSS Specs Navico has introduced AXIS, a line of submersible hand-held VHF radios. Designed to meet rigorous GMDSS specifications, AXIS radios are built to deliver reliable VHF communications in conditions which render regular hand-held VHF ra- dios inoperative. Five models of AXIS, including two fully-approved GMDSS models, are available. For more information on Navico's line, Circle 22 on Reader Service Card Marioff Offers Hi-Fog Fire Extinguishing System Hi-fog is an innovative fire protec- tion technology using small amounts of fresh water at high pressure. It was developed as a lightweight al- ternative to conventional sprinkler systems on passenger ships. A typi- cal Hi-fog system weight is report- edly less than 10 percent of other systems, and Hi-fog also uses only a few percent of the water to provide equivalent fire protection level. The design of the Hi-fog sprinkler heads, combined with the high pressure, ensure that the small water droplets are propelled at high speed to pen- etrate the hot flue gases and fill the entire room. Independently wit- nessed fire tests have proven the fire suppression and control capabilities of the Hi-fog sprinkler system at SP, the Swedish National Testing Insti- tute. More than 200 tests have in- cluded: cabin/corridor fire tests; simu- lated arsonist fire tests; ultra-fast response tests; ISO 6182 fire tests; cabin "flash-over" fires; cable duct fire tests; and 60-sq.-meters room and open space fire tests. For more information, Circle 20 on Reader Service Card ANZDL Implements Hazardous Cargo Program Australia-New Zealand Direct Line (ANZDL) announced the imple- mentation of a comprehensive haz- ardous cargo program designed to meet shipper's needs. The program, known as "ANZSAFE," is a multi- faceted undertaking which assists shippers with every step of hazard- ous cargo transportation. These steps include the completion of the hazardous declaration forms, un- derstanding regulations and spe- cial handling systems and provid- ing vital guidance in the event of an emergency situation. New Company Offers Pollution Prevention Tankontrol AS, a new company specializing in the development, manufacture and supply of equip- ment for tankers and terminals, has introduced Scupperwell, a new deck oil spill pollution prevention device. Type approved by Det Norske Veritas for installation on ships and mobile offshore units, Scupperwell has no moving parts and requires no power. It is designed to retain oil spilled on deck, which may occur during cargo or fuel transfer opera- tions. Its manufacturer claims the new product will not only make a vessel more environmentally sound, but also help avoid monetary pen- alties for even slight oil spills. For additional information on this new product from Tankontrol, Circle 64 on Reader Service Card MARINE WINCHES IKP Qjm Sunderland Forge Heavy Deck Machinery uhnB K & L Marine Steering Gear & Deck Machinery Ritri Winches Largest Winch Rental Fleet in Europe mm NIM Group Ltd. Hockley Way. AJfreton Trading Estate Alfreton. Derbyshire DE 55 7FA England Tel: 0773 603997 Fax: 0773 60891 5 SALES • SERVICE • HIRE Circle 292 on Reader Service Card HYDRAULIC TOW PINS available with cable hold-down and stern roller WI:STI:I;N AVACHIKE WOKKS 1870 HARBOUR ROAD, NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. V7H 1A1 CANADA TELEPHONE: (604) 929-7901 FAX: (604) 929-7951 OR 929-5329 Circle 264 on Reader Service Card Bay wood. Inc. m ^Smlr ^llllill • Hatches • Deck Hardware • Pot Haulers • Catalog Available B-143 FISH EXPO BOOTH # 4020 3841 Sound Way, Bellingham, WA 98226-9160 Tel.: (206) 734-3900 • Fax (206) 647-0740 Circle 283 on Reader Service Card MARITIME REPORTER Engineering News has a larger circulation to executives and key personnel shoreside in vessel operations, shipbuilding, ship repair and naval architecture than any other marine magazine in the world. BREATHE EASY Closed Filtered Crankcase Ventilation Systems CRANKVENT™ PRACTICALLY EATS OIL, MIST, ELIMINATING DRIPPING CRANKCASE VENT TUBES AND BUILDUP OF OILY SLUDGE DEPOSITS ON ENGINES & EQUIPMENT. AVAILABLE IN BOTH OPEN AND CLOSED CRANKCASE CONFIGURATIONS FOR ALL DIESEL ENGINES. CRANKVENT™ SAVES YOU TIME, MONEY AND HASSELS FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS. LET CRANKVENT™ HELP YOU AND YOUR DIESEL. BREATH EASY! CALL 800-552-7079 OR FAX 516-728-4204 DIESEL RESEARCH, INC. P.O. BOX 213, HAMPTON BAYSJJ.Y. 11946 Circle 212 on Reader Service Card