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Delavan Universal Level Switch Immune To Material Build-Up Delavan Electronics' Cap Point 511 R.F. Capacitance point level control is widely used in liquid, slur- ries and powder bulk solids applica- tions. A unique feature with the Cap Point 511 is its ability to ignore material build-up, reportedly elimi- nating false signals. Unlike many Capacitive or Ad- mittance type devices, the Cap Point 511 requires no calibration under normal conditions. The Cap Point 511 is available with several sensing element con- figurations to handle virtually any application. Several temperature and pressure ranges are available as well as integral and remote mounted electronics. For more information on Delevan Electronics, Circle 28 on Reader Service Card Gasurveyor 400 Family Combines Instrumentation The Gasurveyor 400 family of combustible gas indicators and con- fined space monitors reportedly com- bine many instruments into one, improving safety, locating leaks and reducing the cost of ownership. Features include: CGI operation — LEL and percentage by volume gas; leak location operation — PPM hydrocarbon; confined space opera- IMPORTANT EPIRB SERVICE BULLETIN Internal changes of the knifeblade holder of the hydro- static release mechanism manufactured by C.M. Hammar HandelsAB (HAMMAR) for the ACR Electronics, Inc. (ACR) RLB-23 Category I, 406 MHz EPIRB has affected the ability of the hydrostatic release to cut the ACR retain- ing rod. This cutting action enables the unit to be automat- ically released from the case when it is submerged. ACR was only recently made aware of the design changes. ACR will issue a modified rod replacement kit to anyone who purchased the model RLB-23 Category 1,406 MHz EPIRB or a hydrostatic release and/or rod kit for the RLB-23, subsequent to August 31, 1992 when the design changes were implemented. Kits will be sent to any users who have registered their units with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and to distributors who were shipped RLB-23 Category I, 406 MHz EPIRBs or hydrostatic release/rod kits after August 31, 1992. Detailed, easy-installation instructions are included with each kit. CALL ACR FOR YOUR FREE REPLACEMENT KIT. ACR Electronics, Inc. USA: (800) 4320-ACR; Worldwide: (305) 981-3333 Circle 242 on Reader Service Card ^SHERMAN'S /faOLESALE MARINE SUPPLY CO., INC. CompuNav SYSTEMS REX1£JH K0DEN SITE)® tfom/jm GoldStar KENWOOD Litton Electronic Sales & Service ZftOVtK PRODUCTS COMPANY marine HUMS Hellamarine Boat lighting and accessories MARINER Suspension Seats CNF Kort Nozzles and Engine Room Blowers Baywood Aluminum Hatches PROPELLERS - All Sizes & Types 4540 B Downman Road • New Orleans, Louisiana 7012& 504-244-8777 • Fax 504-241-5260 WE TRY HARDER D, DIVERSIFIED technologies SALVAGE ENGINEERING NAWS MAR CHESAPEAKE. VA 804/420-9532 FAX: 804/523-0810 ALEXANDRIA. VA 703/739-8844 FAX: 703/548-281 2 I-8OO-A-SALVOR Circle 279 on Reader Service Card 34 Circle 281 on Reader Service Card NORTH AMERICAN MARINE JET INC. WATER JET TECHNOLOGY LEADER HIGH THRUST UP TO 25 KNOTS ZERO CAVITATION IMPELLERS EXCELLENT MANEUVERABILTIY 1000 JET R.P.M. - LESS WEAR NOMERA ® PROVEN SPEEDS OVER 55 KNOTS MILITARY APPROVED STEERING 25+ YEARS OF SERVICE LIFE UNBEATABLE ACCELERATION NORTH AMERICAN MARINE JET INC. P.O. BOX 1232 • BENTON, AR 72018 PHONE (501) 778-4151 • FAX (501) 778-6381 FISH EXPO BOOTH # 6430 Circle 284 on Reader Service Card tion for O , CO, and H2S; stack £ analyzer for spot testing of CO, » and flammables; on-board interi pump; audio-visual alarms, prob filters for dust and water, and hi ness; rugged, weather-proof cc struction; computerized calibrate for pass-fail in four minutes; tot computerized record-keeping; aul matic datalogging with transfer. Tl model exceeds all OSHA requir ments for confined space monito ing as well as leak location. For more information on McNei International's products, Circle 29 on Reader Service Card Max Power's Thruster Is Fully Retractable The hydraulic-powered Retract i a retractable marine thruster for al kinds of yachts and power craft tha stays hidden in the lower part of th< hull and then folds out to perforn even the most delicate maneuvers Manufactured by the French com- pany Max Power, the Retract offers many advantages, including com- pact design, exceptional perfor- mance, reliability, and easy instal- lation. It has already been well- received by naval architects, ship- yards and others in the shipbuiding industry including companies such as Beneteau, Ifach, San Lorenzo, and Belliure. The unit is reportedly ideal for maneuvering into tight mooring places, fighting winds and currents, and moving at low speeds. The Retract is available in three lightweight models that occupy mini- mal space under the floorboards. For more information on Max Power and the Retract, Circle 30 on Reader Service Card Hydrasearch Receives USN Approval For New Line Hydrasearch Co., Inc. of Annapo- lis, Md. received U.S. Navy (USN) approval for a new line of internal support sleeves and coils. The sleeves consist of bronze rings en- capsulated in Buna-N rubber bond- ing and are stacked inside collaps- ible hose assemblies to be used in vacuum service. Sleeves can be cut to accommo- date various hose assembly lengths and are currently available for hoses with inside diameters of five, six and eight inches. The internal support coils are available in berylium copper and stainless steel, and are inserted into collapsible hose assemblies to pro- vide support in vacuum service. These coils are utilized with 2.5- inch through four-inch internal di- ameter hoses. Both accessory items are available for. use with Hydrasearch marine hose and fit- tings manufactured to MIL-H-24135 & MIL-H-24136. For more information on these Hydrasearch products, Circle 71 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News