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DRS Awarded Contracts Worth Over $6 Million Diagnostic/Retrieval Systems, Inc. (DRS) received letter contracts valued in excess of $6 million from the Oceanic Div. of Westinghouse Electric Co. For these contracts, DRS will produce upgraded AN/ AQS-14 recorder/reproducer sys- tems and sonar image display simu- lators. The system will be used on Navy helicopters to detect mines located in critical ocean-floor areas. For more information on DRS, Circle 116 on Reader Service Card Alden Debuts Search & Rescue Transponder Alden Electronics, Inc. introduced the Aldensart™ search and rescue transponder, which is designed to help rescue forces find a vessel, life raft or personnel in distress, espe- cially in poor visibility. The Aldensart responds to radar signals on rescue planes of ships by "paint- ing" its location on their radar screens. This painted signal is seen on the radar as a series of 12 highly- visible dashed lines pointing directly to the location of the Aldensart. The unit operates in the 9GHz frequency band. For free information on Alden Electronics' new safety product, Circle 117 on Reader Service Card Metro Machine Corp. Honored By EPA The U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency (EPA) has honored Metro Machine Corp. for helping to protect America's air and water. The EPA has awarded its 1993 "Excel- lence in Environment Education" recognition to the Norfolk-based ship repair and modernization firm. Metro's environmental achievement was selected for the single award from applications of businesses and industries in the five-state EPA Re- gion III. Metro Machine, which was officially presented the award at an October 1 luncheon, is an employee- owned small business which oper- ates a shipyard and that repairs and modernizes U.S. Navy non-nuclear surface ships in Norfolk. For more information on the company, Circle 118 on Reader Service Card Kennar Technics AB Launches Pressure Monitoring System Kennar Technics AB recently launched a new portable cylinder pressure monitoring system, with accurate data and plots running in Windows™. The new system, dubbed "The Doctor," is accurate because it takes pulses from the flywheel teeth for a true crank angle and it uses the Kistler piezo-electric type pressure transducer, not a stain gauge type. For free information on the new system from Kennar Tech- nics, Circle 119 on Reader Service Card Peterson Builders Reaches Agreements With Royal Schelde And FBM Marine Peterson Builders, Inc. (PBI) of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., announced that it has reached a non-exclusive agree- ment with Royal Schelde Shipbuild- ing of The Netherlands and with FBM Marine of Cowes, Isle of Wight, England to market and produce under license a wide range of high- speed passenger and passenger/car vessels. The designs include a range of Surface Effect Ships (SESs), high- speed catamarans, low-wash cata- marans, fast displacement (SWATH- type) catamarans and high-speed mono-hulls. The ability to produce such a wide selection of vessels will allow PBI to meet specific demands with regard to speed, capacity, and operational conditions for the ves- sels, including environmental re- quirements for low-wash generation. The recent passage of legislation in Indiana allowing gaming vessels on Lake Michigan has given PBI the immediate opportunity to offer these designs configured to suit the vary- ing operational conditions of the Great Lakes. Keep Workboats Working Workboat performance at its design best! E-Series propeller and rudder shaft seals boost productivity... extend time between scheduled maintenance and dry dock- time and money...and limit pollution. Proven John Crane maneBar mechanical seals provide maximum sealing integrity. They virtually eliminate excessive leakage, slash maintenance and reduce the volume of oily bilge water. These seals are designed to meet tough applications for tugs, trawlers, ferries, fishing boats, offshore supply ships. And, our patented inflatable backup seals and split face components allow for emergency primary seal inspection, maintenance and repair without dry docking. No other seal offers these advantages. John Crane Marine offers seal designs for all hull sealing needs—water, grease and oil lubricated systems for propulsion shaft, rudder stock, bulkhead, fin stabilizer and bowthruster applications. Sizes range from 2" to 60" in non-split, partially split and fully split configurations. Our experience is trusted. Worldwide. John Crane l^irine 1536 Barclay Blvd. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Phone: 708-808-9240 Fax: 708-808-9295 B mi m V \ i I mm % ?u ^jLJ I A member of the Tl Group Circle 208 on Reader Service Card .flfcC mobs®*5 \s pi^^Sss VJ*. fa* osv1 20 Circle 213 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News