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(Continued from page 11) straits and headlands. Hard copy prints can be produced if required. The program's database is report- edly easy and cost effective to up- date. For free information, Circle 108 on Reader Service Card Marathon Marine Delivers Hatfield-Designed Vessels Marathon Marine Manufacturing Ltd. of Edmonton, Alberta delivered two aeration lagoon service vessels to Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. pulp mills. The all-welded aluminum, 36.5-foot vessels were designed by Peter S. Hatfield Ltd. The vessels are designed and accordingly outfit- ted to accomplish a variety of tasks, including the laying and servicing of cables on the lagoon floor, sampling of the effluent water quality and the positioning of flow control barriers. Each vessel is powered by a 235- hp, 2,900-rpm continuous rated Star Power444 marine diesel, keel cooled, with ZF MPM IRM direct ratio re- verse gear driving a Kodiak waterjet. For more information on Peter S. Hatfield, Ltd., Circle 111 on Reader Service Card Balehi Marine Completes Dredge Hull Balehi Marine, Inc. completed the fabrication of a dredge hull for Ellicott Machine Corp., Intl. The dredge hull is to be outfitted by Ellicott Machine in Maryland be- fore transportation to Paraguay. This is the first dredge hull com- pleted for a new series of Ellicott Dredges. Balehi Marine is a ship- yard, founded in 1975, which spe- cializes in the construction and re- pair of marine vessels and barges. For additional information on the services of Balehi, Circle 112 on Reader Service Card Maritime Training in the 21st Century. The bridge of STAR Center's 360° full-view training simulator. Commercial and military maritime personnel are upgrading their skills at STAR Center, home of the world's first 360 ° full-view training simulator. This 21st century technology gives students a "full mission" experience piloting ships, tankers, barges and work boats through inland waterways, ports and on the oceans. With the aid of STAR Center's high performance visual simulator, students encounter the expected and unexpected in ship handling, docking, navigation, engine operations and cargo transfer. It's the kind of practice that improves crew competence, reduces the possibility of human error and saves money for ship owners, operators and insurers. Students navigate their vessel through a Port of Valdez snow storm, encounter torrential rains while docking in Miami and respond to a shipboard emergency — all without leaving the classroom. Following each exercise, instructors meet with their students to analyze video playbacks of each simulation. To learn more about training on 21st century technology, call or write Harry J. Crooks, Director, STAR Programs, for a facilities brochure and a listing of classes. STAR Center 2 West Dixie Highway, Dania, Florida 33004 • Phone: (800) 445-4522 Fax: (305) 920-4268 SeaArk Delivers Survey Vessel To Corps Of Engineers The U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers, St. Louis District, accepted delivery of a survey vessel built by SeaArk Marine. The new 42-foot aluminum boat is designed for use on the middle Mississippi River, playing a key role in the Corps' Bendway Weir Project, which in- volves submerging rock structures in river bends to control natural river bank erosion and channel nar- rowing. Dubbed the J.H. Simpson, to honor the first official St. Louis dis- trict surveyor, Colonel James H. Simpson, who served from 1873 to 1880, the Dauntless class, all-welded aluminum vessel is powered by twin Detroit Diesels. Electrical power is from an Onan generator, and both propulsion engines and generator utilize Fernstrom closed cooling sys- tems. For more information on the capabilities of SeaArk, Circle 113 on Reader Service Card USCG Chemical Hazards Response Information System Available The latest edition ofthe U.S. Coast Guard's (USCG) two-volume Chemi- cal Hazards Response Information System (CHRIS) on hazardous chemicals is now available at the Government Printing Office (GPO). "The system covers 1,250 of the most dangerous chemicals being shipped across the country today," said Dr. Alan L. Schneider of the USCG Marine Technical and Haz- ardous Materials Div. Volume 2 of CHRIS contains 2,800 pages and is intended for office use. The pages are designed to fit stan- dard loose leaf binders so that supplements on new chemicals may be added. CHRIS also includes a six- by nine-inch condensed version, Vol- ume 1, intended for field use. To order CHRIS or to inquire about Volume 2's magnetic tape or floppy disk, call (202) 783-3238, or write to Superintendent of Docu- ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Cite order number 050-012-00328-9 for Volume 1 or 050-012-00329-7 for Volume 2. 12 Circle 226 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering New*