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from boatyards. The level of con- taminants allowed in waste water by the general permit for discharge to state waters is based on water quality standards designed to effec- tively protect the marine habitat. Because even small concentrations of pollutants are known to adversely affect marine plant and animal life, the level of pollutants allowed is very low. The permit also requires that each facility has an operating plan to pre- vent contamination of storm water. Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be incorporated into the plan. BMPs include requirements for chemical and waste storage, use of tarps for dust control, and sweep- ing, and spill control measures. Environmentalists consider BMPs to be an ounce of prevention and cleanups, because of penalties and fines, a pound of cure. The American Disabilites Act of 1990 has already imposed an addi- tional burden on all businesses in the Bayou with more than 24 em- ployees. These businesses are re- quired to provide prospective em- ployees reasonable accommodations with regard to accessibility to job information and to the employer's facility. In a significant departure from existing law, under the Rehabilita- tion Act, the ADA makes unlawful medical examinations and verbal/ written inquiries regarding health 14 ft to 24 ft. Police, Rescue, GG., Military; Offshore Commercial... SIMPLY the BEST! Since 1896- almost 100 years of research, development, manufacturing and servicing inflatable products. Whether it's a Rigid Inflatable Boat or a helicopter flotation system, an escape slide on an airliner or a swimming pool, if it's a ZODIAC, it's simply the best! The largest manufacturer of Rigid Inflatable Boats in the world! Hi/M/cj/ie ZODIAC ZODIAC OF NORTH AMERICA, INC. P.O. Box 400, Thompson Creek Rd. Stevensville, MD 21666 (410) 643-4141- ext. 3009 CRANKPIN&MAIN JOURNALS GRINDING, MACHINING, POLISHING 'IN-P1ACE' IN YOUR ENGINE. In-Port or Voyage Repairs. Anywhere in the World •ENGINE MAIN BEARING LINE BORING •OPTICAL MEASUREMENT & ALIGNMENT •METALSTITCH® REPAIR FOR CAST IRON ...Serving L£ZJm PVr\ 24 HOUR ft the Marine Industry vti l iMJJ EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 1IA?/ or night, 365 days a year, ^k ^^ tor 35 years vvJ IN-PLACE MACHINING COMPANY USA: 800-833-3575 International: 414-562-2000 FAX: 414-265-1000 or disability of an applicant dur the pre-offer stage of employmc Different sets of rules that applj the various stages of the empl ment cycle (pre-employment, pc offer and incumbent employees) a immeasurably to the administrat: work load of all businesses affect by the act. The new act will requ: a legal awareness of its conter which could involve additional t penditures for legal assistance. On the above issues, most bui ness owners are in agreement th these regulations are non-discrin natory, and affect all business* alike, and each advocates clean ai clean water and fairness in hirin but there is one issue looming on tl horizon which everyone seems rt luctant to mention: the propositio of an energy tax. The total cost of the channel deep ening project is $18.4 million, to b split by: the Federal governmen ($7.4 million); the State of Alabami ($6 million); the county ($2.5 mil lion); and the city ($2.5 million). For additional information on the companies named in this article, circle the appropriate number on the Reader Service Card hound in this issue. Alabama Roll Products 16 Caterpillar 20 Cummins 19 Devoe Paints 8 Johnson Shipbuilders 4 Ladnier-Hardy Refrigeration 15 LaForce Shipyard 11 Landry Boat Works 0 Lighthouse Marine Supply 6 Master Boat Builders 13 Master Marine, Inc 7 McElroy Machine 17 Ocean Marine Inc 4 Randall's Boat Repair 12 Rodriguez Shipyard 3 S&S Marine Repair 2 Steiner Shipyard 5 32 Circle 288 on Reader Service Card Chesterton Receives ISO 9001 Registration A.W. Chesterton Co.'s manufac- turing facility in Groveland, Mass. has been awarded ISO 9001 regis- tration, the International Quality Systems Management Standard. Chesterton is a manufacturer of mechanical seals for pumps used in marine, pulp and paper industries, power and chemical processing. Chesterton brand name products are manufactured in the U.S. and three other countries, and are sold in more than 100 countries. The ISO 9001 registration in- cludes certification of quality stan- dards for inside sales, traffic and environmental health at the Chesterton world headquarters in Stoneham. Two other Chesterton manufac- turing facilities have received certi- fication to the appropriate ISO 9000 standards. For more information on Chesterton, Circle 33 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Rudder, stabilizer, deck machinery and? Circle 256 on Reader Service Card Circle 259 on Reader Service Card