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Vmoss, Rankin Assume New 'osts At Lykes W. J. Amoss, Jr. has been elected :hairman of the executive commit- tee and Tom L. Rankin has been :lected chairman of the board and :hief executive officer of Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc., the Board of Directors announced. Eugene F. McCormick, presi- ient and chief operating officer, con- ;inues in that role since 1986 and ?vill manage the company's world- wide shipping operations. Mr. Rankin, chairman and presi- dent of Lykes Bros. Inc., of Tampa, Fla., has been a member of the board 3f directors of Lykes Bros. Steam- ship Co., Inc., since 1983. Mr. Amoss joined the shipping company in 1947, was named presi- dent in 1973 and chairman in 1986. Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc., headquartered in New Orleans, La., has been a leader in ocean transpor- tation for more than 90 years. Lykes today operates a fleet of cellular container and multipurpose vessels. Navy Awards Ingalls $34.9 Million Contract The U.S. Navy has awarded Litton's Ingalls Shipbuilding Divi- sion, Pascagoula, Miss., a $34.9 mil- lion contract extension to provide continuing engineering and support services for the Navy's Spruance and Kidd class destroyer programs. Total potential value of the five- year support contract is $188.9 mil- lion through the government's 1997 fiscal year. Ingalls has been providing plan- ning yard support for the destroyers since 1981. Under the program the shipyard provides engineering de- sign, scheduling and logistical sup- port services and planning for the maintenance, upgrading and over- haul of Spruance and Kidd-class ships now in the fleet. Ingalls built all 35 of the ships, which were deliv- ered to the fleet between 1975 and 1983. For more information on Ingalls Shipbuilding, Circle 24 on Reader Service Card Boat Luxury Tax Repeal Passes In Senate The Senate voted to repeal the 10 percent boat excise tax as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Bill. Vice President A1 Gore cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate, provid- ing the package with a narrow 50-49 endorsement. Like the House ver- sion approved in May, the Senate bill would make luxury tax repeal retroactive to January 1, 1993. "Elimination of the so-called luxury tax on boats will restore thou- sands of jobs and rescue hundreds of August, 1993 small businesses," said Jeff Napier, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association. "Boat builders expect to re-em- ploy 5,000 or more workers within weeks of the bill's passage as they fill orders conditioned on repeal of the tax." He estimated that most of the 25,000jobs lost since the tax was first implemented in January 1991 would be replaced within a year to 18 months. Also at issue during conference negotiations will be the effective date for repeal of the luxury tax. The marine industry, with the help of Senator John Chafee (R-RI), is pressing for repeal retroactive to January 1,1992. During markup of the Senate bill, Finance Committee chairman Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) also indicated he favors the earlier date. Although tax packages contain- ing repeal of the luxury tax have reached this stage before - only to be defeated in partisan crossfire - in- dustry officials and Congressional supporters are more optimistic about the current bill's prospects. The Clinton Administration is likewise encouraged by the similar- ity of the two budget packages, esti- mating that the House bill contains about 90 percent of the President's original proposals, and the Senate bill about 75 to 80 percent. Most Washington observers are predicting that compromise legisla- tion meeting the President's ap- proval will emerge by the end of July. Use the navigation technology selected by the Coast Guard. TRIADS™ is the new shipboard attitude and navigation system devel- oped for the U. S. Coast Guard by ASI. The system uses proprietary Global Positioning System technology to pro- vide instantaneous heading and three axis attitude in addition to 24-hour, real-time measurement of position, velocity and time anywhere in the world. TRIADS measures attitude with the smallest antenna separation in the in- dustry. TRIADS can be installed sepa- rately or integrated with other naviga- tion sensors and is compatible with ECDIS and other bridge systems. It provides triply redundant position so- lutions and contains a very capable RAIM integrity algorithm. TRIADS meets NMEA interface standards and is fully DGPS capable. TRIADS improves the attitude and navigation capability on today's fleet and serves as the basis for advanced systems on new ships. The system is field tested and available for demon- stration and installation. Circle 200 on Reader Service Card If your application requires precise navigation and control as well as man- agement of a highly dynamic plat- form, you owe it to yourself to find out more about TRIADS. Call us at (703) 684-2900 to discuss your system needs. A ASI ^IB ADROIT SYSTEMS INC® 209 Madison Street • Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 684-2900 • Fax (703) 836-7411 25