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>ats & Barges SWATH Ocean System Delivers Pilot Boat To Houston Pilot The Houston is a Small Vaterplane Area Twin Hull SWATH) Ocean System's 2000 "lass coastal pilot craft employing eportedly the world's first applica- ion of SWATH technology to off- ihore pilotage. The craft is 67 feet long, with a naximum beam of 37 feet and full oad draft of eight feet. Its maxi- num intermittent speed is 27 knots and its maximum range is 2,000 nautical miles. As a result of the twin displacement hulls and sepa- ration of propellers, the craft is able to "come along side" ships at speed for the transfer of pilots. Overcom- ing the suctions encountered along side a ship and pulling off is easily accomplished by the SWATH pilot. Directional stability, maneuver- ability and a design which is becom- ing widely accepted as a stable op- erational platform all combine to produce a craft ideally suited for the rigors of pilotage. SWATH Ocean Systems is com- mitted to product superiority and has earned a reputation in SWATH technology by lessons learned over two decades of research and develop- ment. For more information on SWATH Ocean Systems, Circle 79 on Reader Service Card Argonautics Completes Transport Feasibility Study For CDNSWC Argonautics Marine Engineering, of Sausalito, Calif., has recently com- pleted a feasibility study on the transport of deployable waterfront facility (DWF) modules for the Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (CDNSWC). The study identified the capabilities of presently existing commercial heavy lift barges and vessels with respect to transporting DWF modules. The dry tow option by barge was compared to the dry transport op- tion by self-propelled heavy lift ves- sel. Aspects such as load-out proce- dures, stability during (de)ballasting, cribbing and seafastening arrangements, etc., were addressed. Alternative cribbing and seafastening methods were proposed to substantially reduce the time re- quired for deck preparations and seafastening. Frank van Horn, president of Argonautics Marine Engineering, said, "An athwartship's stowage of the modules is the most economical way, but this will result in a rela- tively large overhang. Design changes to the DWF modules were recommended to limit the effect of slamming on these overhanging parts of the hulls." Centurion Could Be Config- ured As Special-Op Sub According to Navy sources, the first of the proposed Centurian Class nuclear attack subs may be config- ured for special operations missions, marking a radical departure from traditional U.S. submarine theory. The plan is supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Navy, leaders in the special operations community and some members of private indus- try. Under its "Recapitalization of the Navy" long-range acquisition plan, the service would start con- struction of a special operations sub- marine in fiscal year 1998 or 1999, with long-lead funding requested two years earlier to begin building its nuclear power plant. While the "Commando Centurian" would still be equipped with torpedo tubes and a combat system, space would be specially set aside for as many as 65 special operations troops. Follow- ing standard nomenclature, the sub would be called an SSPN and would be fitted with a diver lock-out cham- ber and a dry-deck shelter to carry one or more swimmer delivery ve- hicles. The program would be useful to the U.S. submarine building base, as the SSPN's lack of a sophisticated fire control system and large tor- pedo load would keep its costs down, making it possible to have more than one sub built each year. The Russians have two Uniform Class nuclear submarines especially configured for commando opera- tions, a practice deemed unneces- sary by the U.S. Navy who consid- ered its boats to be capable of all types of missions equally well. The Uniform Class displaces 2,000 tons submerged, while the Centurian will probably be in excess of 6,000 tons. The Navy is looking to design the Centurian with modularity in mind, giving it the ability to tailor the sub for specific missions. OPA-90 ONBOARD SPILL KITS RUBBERIZER Contains ... Absorbs ... Solidifies Solidifies Hydrocarbon Spills Into A Rubber-Like Solid TM * Land Fill Approved •Booms •Pillows •Particulate For more information on products call: (800)542-3036 (619)459-3383 Fax: (619)459-3173 Haz-Mat Response Technologies, Inc. 5841 Box Canyon Road La Jolla, California 92037 Distributorship Available CALL OR WRITE FOR OUR FREE ^CATALOG MULTI-PURPOSE PUMPING EFFICIENCY VM DECK EDUCT0RS Only the hose goes into tank to vacuum liquids at rate of 10-15 gpm at suction lifts up to 70 or more. it dry! Circle 170 on Reader Service Card VM BILGEMATE Ideal for pumping bilges—stripping ballast, etc. Peripheral jet design handles liquids, solids, air. 7>k" to 6° sizes available. VM PORTABLE EDUCT0RS Handy auxiliary pump for regular or emergency pumping of liquids from ballast, bilge, cargo spaces and tanks. Just attach hose from fire main and lower eductor into space to pump large quantities of liquid quick,y and easily. VITA MOTIVATOR CO. INC. 26 WEST JAMAICA AVE, VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. 11580 516-S68-8830 • FAX 516-568-8840 • TELEX 226000ETLXUR k NORWAY: F. ZIMMER: 02-55-86-18 ENGLAND: FERGUSON t TIMPS0N: 593-7611 HOLLAND: BUREAU INSPECTOR: 434-81-88 SINGAPORE: KENS0N ENT. 296-6055 Circle 257 on Reader Service Card June, 1993 91