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jorge G. Sharp, Inc. >points Gluse As Director, ;et Support Operations Michael R. Gluse George G. Sharp, Inc. of New York mounced the appointment of iichael R. Gluse as director, fleet ipport operations, located in larp's Norfolk, Va. office. In this jsition, Mr. Gluse will provide fo- is and direction to those Sharp infracts which provide direct fleet ipport in areas such as planning, lalysis, training, logistics, modern- ation, repair and maintenance. He an active member of the Tidewa- :r Chapter of the American Society F Naval Engineers, the Society of [aval Architects and Marine Engi- eers, the Portsmouth Rotary Club nd has served on several civic ser- ice programs. Norwegian Shelf Oil (nd Gas Expectations tise 12 Percent According to new estimates from he Norwegian Petroleum Director- ,te, resources on the Norwegian !helf have increased 12 percent and Norway will remain one of the larg- ist oil producers in the world for at east another 45 years. New calculations show that the Norwegian sector of the Continen- ,al Shelf contains extractable re- iources corresponding to about 10 rillion tons of oil equivalents (toe). In 1992, the total petroleum pro- luction of the Norwegian Shelf was ibout 132.9 million toe. Of this, the )il production was approximately 103.9 million toe, the sale of gas 25.8 nillion toe, and the production of LNG three million toe. These numbers signify a large production increase over the previ- ous year, when total production was 118.8 million toe. Additional Repair Work Coming To H-DIL As work on the vessel Marinor has been completed at Halifax- Dartmouth Industries Limited's (H- DIL) Halifax Shipyard, the company is now looking forward to doing re- pair work on two more vessels. June, 1993 The Marinor was docked for re- pairs to its rudder which was dam- aged by ice. The Marine Atlantic ferry M.V. Caribou arrived at the Halifax Ship- yard and was docked for rudder re- pairs. Last month, the Imperial Oil tanker, Imperial Acadia, was docked for a refit. Earlier, the Canadian Coast Guard vessel, John Cabot, was docked for a 30-day refitting and repair work. For more information on H-DIL, Circle 42 on Reader Service Card MSC Charters The Largest U.S.-Flag Tanker The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command chartered the U.S.T. Pa- cific, the largest tanker in the U.S.- flag merchant fleet, to carry 2.5 mil- lion barrels of oil from the U.K. and Norway to the U.S. Gulf Coast. The operation took more than four weeks and $7.3 million to complete. . The Pacific is almost 1,188 feet long, the largest ship in the Navy's fleet. It has a 228-foot beam and a 75 foot draft. MSC operates these ships in three separate forces: the Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force; the Special Mission Support Force; and the Strategic Sealift Force. Traditional Design The Emerald Lady... Designed by John W. Gilbert & Associates and patterned after the most successful sternwheelers of the late 1800's, the "Hudson" and the "Queen City," "The Emerald Lady," twin sister of the "The Diamond Lady," offers the grandeur of the original 19th Cen- tury Steamboats with rich Victorian interiors on four decks of casinos, gift shops, passenger lounge, main dining room and upper dining areas and children's arcade. Larger sister vessel "Par-A-Dice" operates from Peoria, Illinois. For over 25 years, John W. Gilbert & Associates has been known for excellence and innovation in design of all types of riverboats and coastal vessels. JOHN W. GILBERT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Naval Architects & Marine Engineers for over 25 years 66 Long Wharf, Boston, MA 02110 (617) 523-8370 (617) 523-2178 fax Stainless Steel From Bow To Stern • All Stainless Steel Marine Cooking Equipment • Free U.S. Delivery • Completely Hatchable • Built To Last • Custom Modifications Available Ranges, Fryers, Griddles, Broilers, Cheesemelters, Clamshells, Convection Ovens, Pizza Ovens, Deck Ovens, Custom Design Lang Manufacturing Company P.O. Box 905, Redmond, WA 90873 Phone (206)885-4045 U.S.A. Fax (206)882-2373 U.S.A. Circle 262 on Reader Service Card Are You In Compliance ? OPA '90 SPILL KIT MEETS OPA '90 REQUIREMENTS EACH KIT ABSORBS 7 BARRELS CLEARLY LABELED WITH CONTENTS & ABSORBENCY SIZED TO FIT 36" DOORWAYS CUSTOMIZED KITS ALSO AVAILABLE Circle 185 on Reader Service Card Circle 318 on Reader Service Card 83