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Intercon Offers Engineering And Manufacturing Services Intercontinental Engineering- Manufacturing Corporation (Intercon) of Kansas City, Kan., of- fers diversified engineering and heavy manufacturing services for marine, military and industrial markets. For more than 35 years, heavy duty cranes and deck machinery have been sold under the Intercon name to governments and commer- cial customers worldwide. Intercon's manufacturing facili- ties provide heavy fabrication and machining of weldments and com- ponents weighing up to 150 tons. In- house CAD/CAM, stress relieving, assembly, testing and private barge facilities further support its turn- key capability. Recent deliveries of twin cranes for seven Auxiliary Craneships (T- ACS) and weapons handling portal cranes for NAVFAC attest to Intercon's range of products and ex- perience. Current military projects include fabrication and machining of pro- pulsion gear casings for the Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer (DDG-51). Deck machinery for naval applica- tions include the assembly of verti- cal windlasses for new aircraft car- riers (CVN) and customized deep ocean salvage systems (FADOSS). The FADOSS System incorporates advanced traction winch design, power supplies, and related line handling and storage hoists. This system is typical of Intercon's in- volvement in unique, special appli- cation deck machinery and material handling equipment. All manufac- turing and quality control activities conform to MIL-I-45208A and re- lated military standards. Intercon's line of commercial deck machinery includes towing and an- chor handling winches, windlasses, capstans, barge and rig mooring sys- tems, and hose reel assemblies for pipelay and underwater construc- tion. For the tug/barge industry, Intercon offers its exclusive Me- chanical Coupler System. This pat- ented system provides a rigid con- nection for pushing, yet allows free pitch motion. Current production involves three complete coupler shipsets including 92-ton reinforced skeg modules which retrofit to barges. Installation work is under- way on M/V Seafarer and the 260,000 barrel barge Ocean 255 owned and operated by Maritrans of Philadel- phia, Pa. Two additional shipsets for Maritrans are expected for deliv- ery in the second quarter of 1993. The Intercon Coupler System pro- vides unmatched safety, speed, and versatility advantages for articu- lated tug/barge operators. For more information on cranes and deck equipment from Intercon, Circle 30 on Reader Service Card Second $7.9 Million Crane In Place At South port Port Everglades' 155-acre Southport Container Complex now has two $7.9 million container gan- try cranes in place and will soon be ready for Lift-on/Lift-off (Lo/Lo) op- erations. Bulit by Samsung C ompanies Inc., IT'S ALL HERE! Thousands of Vessel Owners WORLDWIDE • Merchant Ships •Tugboats •Towboats • Barges • Passenger Vessels •Ferries • Crew/Supply Boats • Offshore Drilling Rigs Names and Titles of Key Personnel, complete with address, telephone, telex, fax numbers, fleet sizes and more . .. PLUS! Ship and boat building and repair companies worldwide .. . From the smallest inland repair yards to the world's largest commercial and naval shipbuilders ... all the details you need ... of the NEW Annual 1993 Maritime Directory & Worldwide Industry Census at only S110 per copy. Enclosed is my remittance for $ 110 Bill me. Bill my company. SPEC IAL OFFER OA7V$110 (limited Quantity) the 1,300-ton cranes arrived fully assembled aboard vessels Dock Ex- press France and Dock Express II and were off loaded onto the Southport crane rails shortly after arrival. Port Everglades received the first Southport gantry crane in February 1993, the second in March 1993 and anticipates a third arrival in May 1993. Lo/Lo operations are expected to be available late spring. As one of the most important op- erational aspects of the seaport's new 155-acre Southport Contain Complex, the heavy lift cranes cj move 35-45 containers an hour, ai can easily handle Post-Panami vessels. Each will utilize specially d signed telescopic Bromma spreai ers and provide a safe working log of 40 long tons with the spreader; £ long tons under the hook. All thrc 151-foot tall cranes are designed 1 be low-profile to not interfere wit adjacent airport operations. PLUS! THE WORLDWIDE INDUSTRY CENSUS Thousands of statistics and details critical to your business • Merchant Fleets of the World •World Ship Order Book • Vessel Ownership • Leading Shipbuilding Countries •Ship Completions •U.S. Naval Fleet •Classifications of U.S. Naval Ships and Crafts •U.S. Foreign Flag Merchant Ships and More . . . LIMITED EDITION SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION OFFER — 20% DISCOUNT ONLY $ 110 per copy Limited copies of the all new '93 edition will be published. Once these are sold out, no directories will be available until 1994. Please order NOW and guarantee your own personal copy while the limited quantity lasts. YES! • Please send copies Name. Company. Address City State Zip. Country IN CIRCULATION Signature WORLDWIDE MARITIME DIRECTORY MARITIME REPORTER/ENGINEERING NEWS, 118 East 25th Street, NewYork, NY 10010 Telephone: (212) 477-6700 - Fax: (212) 254-6271 1993 MARITIME DIRECTORY & WORLDWIDE INDUSTRY CENSUS ORDER NOW! OVER 700 PAGES 74 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News