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I operation of sophisticated deep- ing remotely operated vehicles )Vs) and towed systems, special- d underwater tooling, and land- sed robotic hardware. Deepwater jrations include search, recovery, derwater inspection, and seafloor ipping to depths of 25,000 feet, as II as the maintenance, repair, and rial of undersea telecommunica- ins cables. For more information on :eaneering International Inc., Circle 34 on Reader Service Card like Metal Products >elivers Transport Barge Hike Metal Products' Aluminum Transport Barge A 30-foot all welded aluminum transport barge was recently deliv- ered to the National Park Service for Bighorn Canyon National Recre- ation Area by Hike Metal Products Ltd., Wheatley, Ontario, Canada. The barge is custom built to pro- vide multi-purpose transportation usage. Twin Mercruiser diesels D- 219 with Bravo II outdrives push the boat at 30 m.p.h. with a 6,200 lb. load. Specialized outfitting includes: forward cargo deck with inset hard- wood tracks; full width double hinged bow loading ramps for load- ing & unloading vehicles and equip- ment at various terrain levels; for- ward push knees; side hinged dive platform; 500 lb. davit with sockets both sides; large capacity deck cargo winch; heavy duty rubber fender around deck edge; large wheelhouse with sliding door access aft; side bench seat/lockers for six crew; cen- ter helm position with Bostrom sus- pension seat; full controls and in- struments. Derbyshire Appointed East Coast Marine Distributor Of Foam Vests Derbyshire Foam Systems Prod- ucts has been appointed the Ameri- can east coast distributor for the Maverick Foam Vest System by IMSSCO of San Diego, Calif. This revolutionary system's cen- terpiece is a reusable foam-filled vest which proportions foam concentrates at the nozzel at the will of the firefighter. One person can immedi- June, 1993 ately control foam or water spray with the flick of a lever. The system eliminates restric- tions of hose length, elevation and eductor pressure loss while maxi- mizing mobility and efficiency. The Maverick Foam Vest is also ideal for vapor suppression of haz- ardous materials. By using Maverick Haz-Mat foam, the vest provides immediate vapor suppressing foam for hydrocarbons, polar solvents and certain chemi- cals using fresh or salt water. The Maverick Dispersant Vest is now in use for dispensing oil spill dispersants along with bio- remediation. Derbyshire offers a four-page color brochure and video tape explaining the Maverick Foam Vest System. For additional information on the Maverick Systems, Circle 28 on Reader Service Card Carrier Develops Container Airflow Transition Piece A design breakthrough of the air- flow transition piece by Carrier Transicold will reportedly save the refrigerated container industry $ 100 per year, per unit, and also improve the unit's airflow capacity. For more information from Carrier, Circle 89 on Reader Service Card Hurricane Hugo brought 12 foot seas and 85 knot winds to Charleston, South Carolina, destroying ships, small boats and docks. At the U.S. Naval Base, Charleston, the ships moored at piers survived the storm, but their fender systems, made of timber or steel piles, suffered extensive damage, with replacement costs in the millions. The exception was at Pier Zulu, where resilient foam-filled fender systems made by Seaward protected the ships as well as the P.O. BOX 98, CLEARBROOK, VA 22624 • 1-800-828-5360 • 703-667-5191 • FAX 703-667-7987 Circle 188 on Reader Service Card piers. Seaward's fenders at Pier Zulu not only performed admirably, but were fully functional even after the devastating hurricane. Which is just what people expect from the world's SEAWARD largest manufacturer of INTERNATIONAL, INC. foam-filled and elasto- —— meric marine fenders ^ and flotation products. Seaward's outstanding product lines have a 20-year history of perform- ing well between a dock and a hard place. 143