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A new concept in diesel power The Paxman 12VP185. The first of a new generation of technically advanced diesel engines from the established Paxman stable. Lightweight and compact, the 12VP185 offers outstanding simplicity of design and rugged construction. And it also offers over 2000kWb of continuous power at 1800 r/min. A low component count enhances reliability and reduces maintenance costs. Excellent fuel economy keeps running costs to a minimum. Added to this is Paxman's 60 year history in diesel engine design. If you need high power density, you need to know about the 12VP185. Call Paxman today in the USA for details. Tel: +1 713 578 7828. Fax: +1 713 492 8277. or UK. Tel: +44 206 795151, Fax: +44 206 797869. GEC ALSTHOM PAXMAN DIESELS Circle 186 on Reader Service Card 136 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News