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ELS Delivers Advanced uck-Up Rig To A.P. Moller The Maersk Gallant on its way for delivery to A.P. Moller. A.P. Moller recently took deliv- ery of one of the most advanced and one of the largest jack-up rigs in the world, newbuilding No. B 223, Maersk Gallant, from Far East Levingston Shipbuilding (FELS) of Singapore. The rig arrived in the North Sea in mid-May. The Maersk Gallant has been awarded a contract by Amoco Norway Oil Co. for an explo- ration drilling program commenc- ing in early August 1993. After that, the rig will work for Elf Petro- leum Norge A/S for a longer period, starting in the summer of 1994. Crowley Announces Plans To Purchase Two Tractor Tugs Crowley Marine Services of Oak- land, Calif, announced that it plans to award contracts for two $12 mil- lion tractor tugs. Each tug must be under 140 feet long with a 48-foot beam and a 21-foot draft. The tugs will reportedly be outfitted with twin Caterpillar engines capable of de- livering 5,400 hp each, as well as twin Voith-Schneider propellers. The tugs are expected to be able to handle even very large disabled tankers in both harbors and off- shore and will have reinforced hulls that will allow them to work in icy waters. The tugs will probably be used as vessel escorts along the coast of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, and Crowley plans to order other tugs as the market for tanker escort services develops. If the demand increases as Crowley expects it to, Crowley may eventually acquire a total of eight large tractor tugs. remotely controlled underwater ve- hicles and specialized tooling sys- tems, recently announced the suc- cessful completion of several con- tracted jobs. — The company completed the final phase of its contract support- ing the installation of Exxon's Zinc Platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Af- ter providing specialized ROV's, winches and hydraulic tools to per- form installation and flow line tie-in tasks, Sonsub mobilized a Triton Advanced Remotely Operated Work Systems (AROWS) to assist with hydrotesting, the operation of pig and valve assemblies and valve ac- tuation on the template in prepara- tion for production to begin. — Sonsub completed a quick call out project, as a subcontractor to Global Divers and Contractors, to investigate a natural gas blow-out with no pollution on a jack-up rig in the Gulf of Mexico. — Finally, the company leased a Viper Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to Martech USA, Inc. of Cali- fornia, to support the installation of a sewer outfall pipeline off the coast of San Diego. For more information on the prod- ucts and services of Sonsub, Circle 64 on Reader Service Card The Bitterness of Low Quality Lasts Long After The Sweetness of Low Price Why lose money on costly down-time due to an inferior steering system when for a few more dollars you can have state-of-the-art equipment designed specifically for your vessel. The NAVIGAT X gyrocompass: •Highest MTBF in the industry •Easily serviced •No heating/cooling required •Follow-up rate to 25 deg./sec. •Automatically switches to 24 VDC in case of power failure The NAVIPILOT V autopilot: •LCD digital display •Choose gyro, magnetic or TMC input (Transmitting Magnetic Compass) •Easily installed on any sized vessel •Independent off-course alarm •Compact Litton c. NAVIGATION I—I AUTOMATION C. Plath backs Us equipment with a worldwide service network of over 250 depots in 46 countries. Home Office: RO. Box 760660, Stuckenstrasse 103, D-2000 Hamburg 76, Germany; Tel 49-40-299000;Fax 49-40-29900298 North America: 222 Severn Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland 21403-2569; Tel 410-263-6700; Fax 410-268-8713 Korea: Wang-Ja Building, Room 605,1196-1 Choryang-5 Dong, Dong-Ku, Pusan, Korea;Tel 82-51-4638345; Fax 82-51-4639163 Circle 179 on Reader Service Card Sonsub Announces Completion Of Several Jobs Houston-based Sonsub, a leader in the development and operation of June, 1993 Circle 178 on Reader Service Card ATLANTIC BOAT GROUP, INC. 1850 LARt PARK DRIVE, SUJIH 216, SMYRNA. GA 30080 (404) 333-0191 ATLANTIC 2549 A new class of high speed patrol boats 28' 2" 9' 2" 2' 4" 42 (kts) 4,700 lbs. ATLANTIC L.O.A. BEAM DRAFT MAX SPEED PAY LOAD The ATLANTIC 2S49's unsurpassed capabilities are achieved through a unique design that employs a high performance diesel engine and water