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HEEElHElHESi] igggg Since Archimedes, Ship Design- ers have used the same funda- mental principles to determine ship weight and how loads are distributed about the vessel. Syncrolift's "Atlas Load Monitoring Sys- tem changes all that. Today you can actually lift a ship; measure her LCG, TPM/TPI; assess torsional stresses in the hull, and check for any changes in load which could cause unnecessary angles of heel. Using "Atlas" (ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY LOADING ARTICULATED SHIPLIFTS) with a Syncrolift transfer system means that vessel loads can be accurately assessed prior to launch so that trim, heel, and draft can be accurately predicted. No more bitten fingernails at the launching ceremony! For refits, load distribution can be recorded on docking; recalled, and checked prior to undocking so that differen- tials can be equalized. Docking too becomes a much safer procedure with Syncrolift — uneven blocking, or high load concentrations about the blocking can be easily detected by the operator, and corrective action taken. "Atlas" also includes a comprehensive Condition Monitoring package which observes all parts of the system, and reports potential faults before they become serious. "Atlas" even measures the overall efficiency of the hoist system, and maintains records which indicate any sudden changes. "Atlas" can do all this because it is coupled to Syncrolift's patented articulated platform structure, which has been proven in over 33 years of ship- building experience. Today there are 190 Syncrolift installations in 62 countries worldwide. "Atlas" is the product of the same unique expertise. Over 1,000,000 shiplifting opera- tions have been performed by Syncrolifts since we started. Today Syncrolift still leads the weigh, putting 190 Shipbuilding and/or Shiprepair yards on a scale above their competitors. It's what you might expect from the only company in the world devoted exclusively to the Design and Manufacture of Shiplift Systems. For further information on how "Atlas" can help you keep weigh ahead, contact NEI Syncrolift. We look forward to hearing from you. ESSE i--..-1 INDUSTRIAL POWER GROUP NEI SYNCROLIFT, INC. Two Datran Center 9130 South Dadeland Blvd., Suite 102, Miami, Florida 33156-7848 U.S.A Telephone: (305) 670-8800 Facsimile: (305) 670-9911 Telex: 051 -9340, SYNCROLIFT MIA European Office: Ph: (44)590-675432 Far East Office: Ph: (65)734-3232 N. American Office: Fax: (44) 590-674282 Fax: (65) 737-6808 Advanced Technology Loading Articulated Shiplifts Ph: 713-789-5155 Fax: 713-789-1347 S. American Office: Ph: 619-460-3680 Fax: 619-460-5974 46 Circle 274 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News