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U.S. Yard Survey (Continued) SHIPYARD Vessel Type Dimensions (in feet) L x W x D Main Engines Delivery Owner/Operator Date Cargo Boat 24 x 7 n/a National Park Servic 12/92 Survey Boat 40 x 13 Detroit Diesel Corps of Engineers 2/93 Sea-Fab, Inc., 4111 Cedar St., Pascagoula, Miss. 39567 Two (2) Spill Response 100x28 Caterpillar Clean Coastal Waters 8/92 Service Marine Industries, P.O. Box 3606, Morgan City, La. 70381 Odyssey II Dinner 200 x 40 x 8 Cummins Premier Yachts Northern Star Gaming Vessel 210x67x8 Caterpillar Harrah's Southern Star Gaming Vessel 210x78x8 Caterpillar Harrah's SkipperLiner Industries, 621 Park Plaza Dr., La Crosse, Wis. 54601 4/93 4/93 9/93 Water's Edge Dinner 80 x 18 Cummins Island Girl n/a 84x18 Cummins n/a n/a 64x18 Cummins Falcon I n/a 64x17 Caterpillar M.S. Dixie II n/a 135x33 Caterpillar Water's Edge Restaurant 9/92 Avion Yachts St. Croix Cruises Choice, Inc. Travel Systems Ltd. Southwest Marine, Inc., Foot of Sampson St., P.O. Box 13308, San Diego, Calif. 92170 Nuevo Pemex I n/a Fair Princess n/a 662 x 93 x 58 Sulzer Pemex 608 x 80 x 46 John Brown P&O 12/92 4/93 5/93 n/a 11/92 1/93 SHIPYARD Vessel Type Dimensions (in feet) L x W x D Main Engines Delivc Owner/Operator Di Steiner Shipyard, Inc., P.O. Box 742, Bayou La Batre, Ala. 36509 Conquistadora Ferry 105x24x9.5 Caterpillar n/a Debris Collector 40x18 Cummins Saftey Leader Fish Boat 66 x 24 x 7.5 Caterpillar Aucosisco Oil Recovery 140 x 37.5 x 10 n/a Ketepenansit Oil Recovery 140x37.5x10 n/a Casino/Gaming Vessel 185 x 38 x 14 Caterpillar Passenger/Ferry 152 x 42 x 8 Caterpillar Puerto Rico Ports Auth. 1 /< Puerto Rico Ports Auth. 2/S n/a 5/9 Maine Dept. of Environ. 5/9 Maine Dept. of Environ. 5/9 n/a 6/ n/a 1/9 Superior Boat Works, P.O. Box 8, Greenville, Miss. 38702 Lady Luck Natchez Gaming Vessel 302 x 66 x 12 n/a Cactus Pete Gaming Vessel 300 x 104 x 12 n/a Lady Luck Tunica Gaming Vessel 324 x 80 x 12 n/a Lady Luck Casino/Hotel 2/9! Cactus Pete Lady Luck Casino/Hotel n/c SWATH Ocean Systems, 979 G Street, Chula Vista, Calif. 92011 Pilot Vessel 67 x 32 Caterpillar Houston Pilots Oceanographic Research 117 x 53 Caterpillar n/a Sport Fishing 90x45 Caterpillar n/a When Reliability Counts, We Light the Way. Even the pounding shock and jarring vibration on the deck of an aircraft carrier can't dim our lights. We have almost half a century of being there and countless government- required tests to prove it. We're The L.C. Doane Company and we manufacture lighting to the strictest specifications- the government's or yours. Our lighting products, whether from our catalog offerings or specially designed and man- ufactured for you, go through rigorous testing for shock, vibration, effectiveness of enclosure, insulation resistance, noise and other conditions. Put us to the test and watch us pass with flying colors. Made with pride in the USA. The L.C. Doane Company • |Tft| 11 P.O. Box 975, Essex, Connecticut 06426 (203) 767-8295 Fax: (203) 767-1397 A MEDICAL EMERGENCY AT SEA COULD COST YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS & HOURS OF PRECIOUS TIME. PROTECT YOUR PEOPLE. Your people are your company's lifeline. The employees on your ships deserve competent medical service at their disposal whenever and wherever they may need it. PROTECT YOUR COMPANY Your company depends on your employees. They depend on you to provide them with medical services they may need. PROTECT YOUR PROFITS. Your profits are your bottom line. Preventing possible setbacks can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. SOS MARITIME® SERVICES is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help vessels at sea in the sudden event of an emergency. Doctor advice and referrals are on-hand to help in any situation, day or night. Protect your people now, so your company and profits are protected later. Call SOS® Maritime Services for more information today. International SOS® Assistance P.O. Box 11568 Philadelphia, PA 19116 Phone 215.244.1500 Fax 215.244.2227 Telex 271349 Circle 345 on Reader Service Card Circle 346 on Reader Service Card