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SSE Delivers Tropic Tide Ahead Of Schedule Singapore Shipbuilding & Engi- neering Ltd. (SSE) recently deliv- ered BO 321, a 400-teu R0R0/L0L0 container vessel built for Tropical Shipping & Construction Co. of Florida, and christened "Tropic Tide." The Tropic Tide is the second ves- sel of this type built by SSE for Tropical, and the 397-foot ship was delivered one and a half months ahead of the contracted schedule. Driven by a pair of MaK type 9M 453C, four-stroke, non-reversible, turbo-charged and intercooled en- gines, through Lohmann & Stolterfoht Navilus reduction gears turning Lips controllable-pitch pro- pellers, the vessel can attain speeds in excess of 15 knots. A Lips fixed- pitch propeller bow thruster aids propulsion. Onboard power is sup- plied with the help of a pair of Cat- erpillar type 3508 main diesel alter- nators and a Caterpillar harbor die- sel alternator. Machinery onboard consists of: two O&K electro-hydraulic deck cranes; two Brattvag combined windlass/mooring/winch; and a MacGregor-Navire stern ramp. The vessel, which will carry a crew of 18 in air-conditioned cabins, is also outfitted with: MarineProdukter steering gear; a full complement of Westfalia purifi- ers; an Alfa-Laval freshwater gen- erator; and Raytheon radar. Vasa 46 Engines Chosen F RCCL's New Cruise Vessels Spill Control and Response Solutions Designed to Save TIME and MONEY Capillary Absorbent Technology OPA '90 Response Absorbs 60X it's weight Absorbs full spectrum of hydrocarbons Cut Response costs 30-50% Non-Toxic Non-Hazardous Biodegradable Temperature window -40F to 21 OF Applications On-Deck Spill Response Kits Engine Room/Bilge Oil Absorption Land/Water Recovery Systems Bioremediation Reduced Environmental Liability, Inc. 1201 Ocean Avenue, Suite 58 Sea Bright, NJ 07760 (908) 741-9147 Circle 196 on Reader Service Card THERMAL PRINT DEPTH SOUNDER -for- SHIPS AND WORKBOATS MODEL 447 - CLEAN. QUIET. ODORLESS OPERATION MEASURES WITHIN ONE FOOT OF HULL MOUNTED TRANSDUCER FACE TO DETECT "SCRAPING- WHEN ENTERING OR LEAVING PORT. FLAWLESS PERFORMANCE FOR TWO YEARS ON FLEET OF OIL TANKERS. SHALLOW & DEEP WATER MODELS AVAILABLE. El INNERSPACE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 36 INDUSTRIAL PARK, WALDWICK, NEW JERSEY 07463 (201) 447-0398 FAX: (201) 447-1919 TWO DECADES IN APPLIED DEPTH SOUNDING TECHNOLOGY Circle 321 on Reader Service Card A New Departure From The RIB Industry By Boston Whaler. A departure into a world where the new Impact 21' soft-sided workboat is the only accept- able platform for operations which demand soft-sides but cannot afford the downtime associated with traditional inflatable collars. A world where Boston Whaler's new soft-sided workboat is clearly the best choice for hard work and hard use with a fendering system that sustains incredible abuse but never deflates. Impact 211 combines the unsinkable, vir- tually indestructible Boston Whaler foam cored hull with a fully fitted foam collar. This unique fendering system provides full time protection against punctures and abuse of all kinds, and will not deflate. Step into the new world of soft-sided boats. Impact 21' by Boston Whaler. IMPACT 21', THE SOFT-SIDED WORKBOAT Boston Whaler Impact Series - The Best Boats For The Worst Jobs. L*/ BOSTON WHALER, INC., COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION 1149 Hingham St., Rockland, MA 02370 Tel: (617) 871-1400, Ext: 315 • Fax: (617) 878-4916 34 Circle 163 on Reader Service Card The Vasa 46 engine. GEC Alsthom Chantiers c l'Atlantique of France has ordere Wartsila Vasa 46 engines for tb two luxury cruise vessels the yard i building for the Royal Caribbea Cruise Line (RCCL). The order comprise 1012-cylinder engines witi remote control systems and auxil iary equipment. Each vessel wil have five 10,860 kW engines elasti cally mounted in a diesel/electrii arrangement. This first of the two 1,750-pas senger vessels will enter service ir the Caribbean during spring 1995. with the second scheduled for deliv- ery a year later. The engines will be delivered by the Wartsila Diesel fac- tory in Turku, Finland, at the end of 1993. Wartsila Diesel has previ- ously supplied engines to the same shipowner for ships built in Finland and France. Factors reportedly affecting the choice of the machinery were the Vasa 46's capability to meet the strin- gent NOx and noise limitations set for the vessels, as well as the en- gines' output to space ratio. With the latest order, more than 100 Wartsila Vasa 46 engines have been ordered since the launching of the product in 1987. More than 50 of these are for marine installations, including nine passenger vessels. For more information on Wartsila engines, Circle 62 on Reader Service Card Guillermo Hernandez Appointed As New Texaco Manager-Latin America Guillermo Hernandez has been appointed Manager for Latin America, West Africa and Canada of Texaco Fuel, Marine & Marketing (TFAMM). Mr. Hernandez will transfer to the company's executive offices in Harrison, N.Y., from Santiago, Chile, where he has served as Manager, Texaco Chile, S.A.C., since August 1991. In 1979, Mr. Hernandez joined Texaco Petro- leum Company, Colombia, as a Mar- keting Assistant. In 1983, he was named Supervisor of the company's operations at Bogota El Dorado In- ternational Airport. He was ap- pointed Assistant Marketing Super- visor in 1984, and in 1986 was pro- moted to the position of General Salesman. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News