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CALENDAR JUNE Nor-Shipping '93: June 8-11, Oslo, Norway Sjolyst Exhibition Center. Contact: Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation, P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, N-0212, Oslo, Norway; tel: +47 22 43 9100; fax: +47 22 43 1914. AAPAPort Operations Seminar: June 9-11, Jacksonville, Fla. Marriott at Sawgrass. Contact: American Association of Port Au- thorities at (703) 684-5700. 7th Terminal Operations Con- ference & Exhibition: June 16- 18, Genoa, Italy Critoforo Columbo Congress Cen- ter. Contact: Sarah Derham, CS Conferences & Exhibitions, McMillan House, 54 Cheam Com- mon Road, Worcester Park, Surry KT48RJ,U.K.;tel:+44813303911; fax: +44 81 330 5112. International Submarine Races: June 16-27, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: International Submarine Races, 1515 W. Commercial Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33309; tel: (305) 351-4175; fax: (305) 351-4176. NAVSEA International Logis- tics Symposium: June 29-30, Ar- lington, Va. Contact: Carol Hardee; tel: (703) 836-6727. JULY Maritime Communications and Control: July 7-8, London Contact: Rhian Button, confer- ence organizer, The Institute of Ma- rine Engineers, The Memorial Building, 76 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7JN; tel: +071 481 8493; fax: +071 488 1854. AUGUST Offshore Northern Seas Confer- ence & Exhibition: August 23-26, Stavanger, Norway Contact: Offshore Northern Seas '94, P.O. Box 410, N-4001 Stavanger, Norway; Tel: +47 4 55 81 00; Fax: +47 4 55 10 15. SEPTEMBER SNAME Centennial Annual Meeting and International Mari- time Exposition: September 14-19, New York New York Hilton Hotel. Contact: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 601 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, N.J. 07306. tel: (201) 798-4800; fax: (201) 798-4975. Offshore Europe '93: September 7-10, Scotland Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Center: Contact: Offshore Europe Partnership, Rowe House, 55/59 Fife Road, Kingston upon Thames, Sur- rey KT1 ITA; tel: +44 81 549 5831; fax: +44 81 541 5657/974 8077. NEVA '93—The International Shipping Exhibition: September 14-18, St. Petersburg, Russia Contact: Roderick Keay, Dolphin Exhibitions Ltd., 112 High St., Bildeston, Suffolk 1P7 7EB England; tel: +44 9 741087; fax: +44 9 741628. Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 1993: September 15-19, Laugardalsholl, Reykjavik, Iceland Contact: Patricia Foster, exhibi- tion director, Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Reed Exhibition Compa- nies (U.K.), Oriel House, 26 The Quadrant, Richmond-on-Thames, Surrey, U.K. TW9 1DL; tel: +44 81 948 9800; fax: +44 81 948 9870. National Waterways Confer- ence: September 22-24, Memphis, Tenn. Contact: National Waterways Con- ference, Inc., 1130 17th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-4676; tel: (202) 296-4415; fax: (202) 835-3861. Tanker Industry Convention: September 27-29, London, U.K. Royal Lancaster Hotel. Contact: Vanessa Stephens, The Seatrade Organization, Seatrade House, 42- 48 North Station Road, Colchester COl 1RB, U.K.; tel: +44 206 45121; fax: +44 206 45190. 82nd Annual AAPA Convention: Sept. 27-Oct. 1, Halifax, Nova Scotia The Prince George Hotel and Cha- teau Halifax. Contact: American Association of Port Authorities at (703) 684-5700. OCTOBER International Offshore Con- tracting & Subsea Engineering: October 13-16, Aberdeen, U.K. Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference Center. Contact: Spearhead Exhi- bitions, Ltd., Judith Patten, Neville House, 55 Eden St., Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT11BW; tel: +44 81 547 1566; fax: +44 81 547 1143. West European Cooperation in Marine Technology (WEMT '93): October 20-22, Madrid "Ship Production and Ship Procure- ment" conference. Contact: Juan Pablo Merino; tel: 34-1-448 4301; fax: 34-1-446 0198. NOVEMBER NSRP Ship Production Sympo- sium: November 1-4, Williamsburg, Va. Contact: NSRP Ship Production Symposium, UMTRI, Marine Sys- tems Division, 2901 Baxter Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109-2150; fax: (313) 936-1081. Ship Repair & Conversion '93: November 9-10, London, England Contact: John Gwynn-Jones, BML Business Meetings Ltd., 2 Sta- tion Road, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1QP, England; Tel: +44 923 776363; Fax: +44 923 777206. Brunvoll Tunnel Thruster Passes Muster On John P. Tully Sea Trials Ship's Aid International Ltd., sales and service agents for Brunvoll A.S., of Norway, announced the completion of sea trials for a newly installed thruster unit on the John P. Tully, a research vessel with the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Victoria, British Columbia. The Brunvoll tunnel thruster re- placed an older and less powerful water jet thruster, and has allowed for increased maneuverability for the vessel while docking and un- docking and positioning itself for research work. Point Hope Shipyard Co. Ltd. was awarded the contract to remove the old unit and install and wire the new thruster. The work was com- pleted in a three-week period. For more information on Ship's Aid International Ltd., Circle 58 on Reader Service Card JIM'S PUMP REPAIR INC. Established 1974 June, 1993 Circle 170 on Reader Service Card I 1 JPH Jim Lagonikos, President — Bob Mooney, Sales & Service INCWPOfiAISO Reconditioned Coffin & Pacific Pumps A-1 Condition TYPE - F - CG - DE - DEB - IND - T - DEB - 22 TBA-12-16-16 1/2 All Parts Made In U.S.A. And Are Fully Guaranteed TEL.: 718-392-4444 FAX: 718-482-8372 TLX - TWX 710-582-4847 JPRNYK 48-55 36th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101 Authorized Agents GREECE HOLLAND DimakisLTD. M.P.R.S. 299 Acharon St. Pump Repair Service Athens 104 46 F. Van Eedenplaats 49 Tel: (01) 8320676 it (0295) 32193 Tel: (010) 450 70 85 Fax: (01) 8319944 Fax: (010) 450 70 85 Circle 257 on Reader Service Card 131 COSPOLICH In Marine Refrigeration, WeVe Got You Covered Cospolich designs and manufactures refrigerators for all types of marine applications and offshore installations. We build to one standard only-the best. That's why all of our refrigerators, freezers, freezer doors, brine tanks, and components meet U.S. Navy standards. Our "hatchable" modular refrigerators solve replacement problems by eliminating costly cutting through decks, bulkheads, and accessways. Specify Cospolich. Superior design, construction, quality and service since 1937. REFRIGERATOR CO. 949 Industry Road • Kenner, Louisiana, USA 70062 Tel: (504) 469-6555 • Fax: (504) 469-1819