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Miller Electric Provides Economical Diesel Powered Welder/Generator For field welding and power gen- eration, the economical Bobcat™ 225D diesel powered engine driven welder/generator from Miller Elec- tric Mfg. Co. provides multi-process welding capabilities and up to 8,000 watts of auxiliary power. Equipped with a Deutz/Ruggerini state-of-the- art diesel engine for industrial ap- plication, the Bobcat 225D also fea- tures a Miller engineered alterna- tor for excellent welding character- istics and 60 Hz 120/240 VAC power to operate lights, hand tools and more. The Bobcat 225D delivers AC/DC weld output for SMAW (stick), DC GTAW (TIG) and noncritical AC GTAW (TIG) welding as well as pro- viding GMAW (MIG) welding and flux cored arc welding (FCAW) from constant voltage setting with fine adjustment. Rated weld amperes, constant current, at 100% duty cycle are: 225 amps AC at 25V, 210 amps DC at 25V; constant voltage output is 200 amps DC at 20V. For smooth stick welding, the unit offers a six position range switch- AC/DC constant current switch with fine adjustment in each range. It can also weld with alloy and mild steel (including E-6010) electrodes. Additional features include a 12V electrical system and maintenance free battery, engine protection with low oil safety automatic shutdown system, large 7.5 gallon fuel tank for hours of operation and durable con- struction with wrap-around base for maximum protection. For more information on the Bob- cat 225D, Circle 18 on Reader Service Card Engine Room Fire Protection Systems Installed The world's first water fog fire protection systems in a ship's en- gine room have been installed and commissioned in the new seismic vessels GECO Diamond and GECO Topaz by Marioff Hi-fog OY. The combined Hi-fog machinery and accomodation space system has been fully approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate and Det Norske Veritas and protects the en- gine room, emergency generator room, compressor room, incinerator room, galley, mess rooms and lounge. The GECO Topaz also has sprin- klers in the cable and paint stores. The vessels have been built at the Norwegian yards Bratvaag and Flekefjord. A combined Hi-fog ma- chinery and accomodation space sys- tem is also currently being installed at the Fosen Mek yard in Rissa, Norway on the Askoy RoRo ferry 'MS Bergen'. For more information on Hi-fog from Marioff, Circle 16 on Reader Service Card MarAd Approves Farrell's Time Charter Request A request by Farrell Lines, Inc. to time charter the foreign-flag vessel MV OOCL CHALLENGE has been granted by the Maritime Adminis- tration (MarAd). The request from Farrell Lines is for a one-way sail from the U.S. east coast to the Medi- terranean carrying excess cargo from Farrell's scheduled vessels that are filled to capacity. Neither Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc. nor Sea- Land Service, Inc. object to Farrell transporting this cargo on the for- eign-flag vessel. MarAd has also approved re- quests from Global Marine North Sea Inc. and Global Marine Nauti- lus Inc. to transfer three drilling barges to Panamanian registry. The three vessels will be used in offshore drilling operations in the United Kingdom sector of the North Sea. Permission is sought from MarAd by Alpha Marine Services, Inc., of Galliano, La., for the transfer of the 1,573-gross ton research vessel GECO MARLIN to Vanuatu regis- try. If MarAd grants permission for the transfer, the vessel would be used in Seismic and research opera- tions in the Gulf of Mexico. Presenting I a watertight case for I choosing one of these I powerful VHFs. They're not just water resistant, they're waterproof. Built to the tough waterproof standard of the USCG, these VHFs can take just about any- thing Mother Nature dishes out. So if spray, waves, or rain soak the bridge, your RAY 201 or RAY 202 VHF will keep right on working. Or if you and your RAY 105 hand-held get caught in a heavy squall, this 6-watt VHF will survive the punishment. Besides being waterproof, these powerful units offer superior performance you can count on, time and time again. Plus, they're backed with a 3-year limited warranty. Think about it. When the going gets rough, which VHF would you rather have? Case closed. Raytheon We thrive on challenges Pending FCC Type Approval Specifications subject to change without notice Raytheon Marine Company 46 River Road, Hudson, NH 03051. USA TEL 603 881-5200 FAX:603 881-4756 TELEX: 681-7529 Circle 165 on Reader Service Card 122 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News