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Orkot Engineering Plastics Inc., 2535 Prairie Road, Eugene, Oregon 97402 USA. Tel: 503 688 5529 Fax: 503 688 2079 tsui Develops Engine For [manned Submersibles litsui Engineering and Ship- Jlding Co., in conjunction with i University of Tokyo's Institute Industrial Science, has developed liesel engine system which re- tedly allows robotic submersible kft to operate under water for a kximum of 24 hours. ctric Motors To Power >noco's Newest Tanker JConoco's newest double-hull Inker, to be delivered to the Impany's Norwegian affiliate in |)95 from Samsung Shipbuilding id Heavy Industries of Korea, will i one of three crude oil tankers in he world to be powered by electric [otors. Reportedly four diesel-pow- red electric generators will power | pair of 15,000-hp electric motors ' drive the ships propeller. racor Gets $36.7-Million/ |ive-Year Navy Contract Tracor Inc. announced its Tracor kpplied Sciences Inc. subsidiary leceived a five year contract, in- lluding options, with a total value If $36.7 million to provide engi- neering and technical services to |he naval Electronic Systems Engi- leering Activity operation in tnigoes,Md. The services will be in pupport of shipboard and shore- Dased "Identification Friend or Foe" Systems and programs. Inisys Unit Gets Three ($500,000 Navy Pacts Paramax, a unit of Unisys Corp., Ireceived three $500,000 contracts Ifrom the U.S. Space and Naval I Warfare Systems Command for the I Navy's Next Generation Computer [Resources Program. The three fixed-price contracts total $1.5 mil- lion, according to the company, and [ each contains options which bring the potential value of the relation- ship to between $15 and $39 mil- lion over the next five years. Station Casino Has Preliminary Approval For Riverfront Project Station Casino announced it re- ceived a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers which grants prelimi- nary approval for construction of a riverboat dock as part of the company's proposed 52-acre St. Charles Riverfront Station project. The St. Charles project consists of a 387-foot riverboat with 24,000-sq.- ft. of casino space, and a capacity for 2,100 passengers. In addition, the company intends to develop a 90,000-sq.-ft. food and entertain- ment barge. The St. Charles Sta- tion is expected to open in late 1993 or early 1994, at a cost of $50 mil- jJune, 1993 lion. Long term plans for the Mis- souri River complex include the ad- dition of up to three more riverboats. Mitsubishi, Skaarup Study Debates U.S/s Tanker Design Mandates Tanker design provisions man- dated by the U.S. may increase the potential for environmental dam- age from major oil spills, a study dubbed "Tanker Design for Pollu- tion Prevention" contends. The study, prepared jointly by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Skaarup Oil Corp., declared that a mid-deck tanker would be at least as effective in some circumstances, and "definitely more effective" in preventing environmental damage than the Congressionally-mandated double-hull design. The report also urges Congress to reconsider its position excluding all tanker designs except double-hull, in the face of overwhelming techni- cal evidence from around the world that other designs may be equiva- lent or better. For a complete copy of the re- cently released report from Mitsubishi, Circle 91 on Reader Service Card Rudder, stabilizer, deck machinery and water lubricated stern shaft bearings. Stocks immediately available worldwide - n North America. Europe and the Far East Circle 279 on Reader Service Card Commander Series patrol boats are state of the art, deep-vee designs, capable of speeds well over 50 mph. Made of tough marine aluminum, Commanders offer light weight, low maintenance, and enhanced durability. These safe, seaworthy, hulls are now available in trailerable sizes from 21' to 25' from SeaArk Marine, a company with over 30 years of aluminum boat building experience. SEAARK ^mmmmMARiNE, mc.m P.O. BOX 210 • MONTICELLO, ARKANSAS 71655 501/367-9755 FAX 501/367-2120 TELEX 783028 Circle 287 on Reader Service Card