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Kvaerner Masa-Yards Installs CAD System From Computervision Corp. Finland's largest shipbuilder, Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Inc., of the Norwegian Kvaerner Group, is in- stalling a new $1.1 million com- puter-aided design (CAD) system provided by Computervision Cor- poration of Bedford, Mass. The basic software, called Medusa, will be adapted for shipbuilding de- sign, and Kvaerner expects to mar- ket the resulting shipbuilding CAD program to other shipbuilders. Kobelfs Satellite Controller Permits Remote Steering Kobelt Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Richmond, B.C., has introduced a new remote steering controller which allows a captain to steer his vessel from anywhere on board. Kobelt's Satellite Controller model #7168 is an electrical unit which hooks up to the ship's hydrau- lic steering system. Throttle levers control one or two main engines. A rotary dial directing rudder position and bowthruster controls can be in- tegrated into the unit. The device can also be equipped with indicator lights, push buttons or toggle Shipboard Furniture The Computer Desk from EDP houses your computer and all its components entirely within the desk providing a safe, comfortable viewing angle. This new line of furniture from EDP per- mits marine personnel to have the same high quality furniture used in offices ashore. Designed and built to be completly safe for shipboard use, EDP offers a full-line of shipboard products including Computer Desks, TV/VCR Cabinets, Multi-Media Storage Cabinets as well as other spe- cialized cabinetry and custom products designed to your specifications. EDP Shipboard Furniture is approved for use aboard U.S. Navy ships by NAVSSES and is currently being used aboard ships world-wide. EDP Shipboard Products are distributed through Wright Computer Products Inc., a business committed to bringing you state-of-the-art equipment and reliable service for all your shipboard needs. For more information and a FREE brochure contact: Engineered Data Products,Inc. c/o Wright Computer Products,Inc. P.O. Box 565, Woodbury, NJ 08096-7565 (800) 367-4216 (609) 845-6767 (609) 384-1145 FAX :«/•: engineered data products Now shipping from MICRONAUTIC S .TIDE DOS computer users get detailed tide information for 6,400ports worldwide — quickly and easily, output graphs, calendars, and morel Introductory pricing now in effect! Call or fax today for full information: Call 8oo • 456 • TIDE or fax 2oy • 236 • 6211 MICRONAUTICS, INC. "Industrial grade tide software since 1984" POST OFFICE BOX IOI7, ROCKPORT, MAINE O4856, U.S.A. 207 • 236 • 06l0 MAC Users — Yes, we have tide software for you too! Circle 271 on Reader Service Card FOR DIESEL ENGINES.. CHECK CYLINDER LOAD DISTRIBUTION WITH- BMEP BALANCER MODEL 300-A ATTACHES TO STANDARD INDICATOR VALVE INDICATES CHANGE IN CYLINDER LOAD WHILE ADJUSTING FUEL RACK GAUGE READING COMPARABLE TO AREA OF INDICATOR CARD SIMPLE TO USE REQUIRES NO MAINTENANCE ACCURATE RELIABLE CLIP & MAIL J. LETO w (reiicra/ //)ermo\ nam ics (orftorn/ion 210 SOUTH MEADOW ROAD, P.O. BOX 1105. PLYMOUTH. MASSACHUSETTS 02360 TELEPHONE: (5081 746-0200 FAX: (508) 746-0200 Please send tree catalog on balancer NAME COMPANY ADDRESS CITY STATE . ZIP Circle 228 on Reader Service Card 106 Circle 248 on Reader Service Card switches to select various pre sion or steering modes. The Satellite Controller is li weight and easily portable. A st der strap allows it to be worn c fortably around the neck like a c era. Constructed entirely of brc and stainless steel, the unit is reported to be totally sealed to vent damaging moisture from tering. Caird & Rayner Clark Offers Flash Evaporators For Cruise Ships Caird & Rayner Clark Ltd. England has designed and mai factured desalination systems over 100 years. The company off( the complete freshwater packa required for a modern cruise st comprising multi-stage flash ai reverse osmosis desalination uni together with water treatme; equipment for neutralization, mi eralization and sterilization. The fresh water generators c fered by the company have bee installed on two new cruise ship built at Chantiers de l'Atlantiqui Saint Nazaire, France, for Kloste Cruise Limited. Each ship is fitte with two, 280-ton/day, six-stag flash evaporators and one, 150 tor. day triple effect evaporator, all uti lizing engine jacket cooling water a the main source of heat, boosted b; steam to compensate for low-loac conditions of the engines. Effer Offers New Range Of Marine Cranes Effer Cranes Marine Division, a major producer of marine cranes has introduced a new range of stiff boom marine cranes. The new cranes will have lifting capacities from 20 tons up to 500 tons, with a maximum outreach of 52.5 feet. The cranes can be built to meet the most extensive require- ments of the customer at a price which is reported to be substantially lower than the knuckleboom crane range. Murphy Oil Acquires Interest In Oil Project Murphy Oil Corporation has an- nounced that its Canadian subsid- iary, Murphy Atlantic Offshore Oil Company Ltd., has completed the previously announced acquisition of a 6.5 percent interest in the Hibernia Oil Development Project, offshore Newfoundland. Recoverable reserves from the field are estimated to be in excess of half a billion barrels of oil, with first production planned for mid-1997 and peak production of 125,000 barrels per day in 1999. The estimated share of remaining development costs for the company's interest is $226.6 million, and the transaction includes a financial package offered by the government consisting of guaranteed loans and grants. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News