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'he vessels are being built in jmichi, Japan and will report- f be delivered in March, July and /ember 1993. Following delivery ach vessel, each will be sailed to ong Shipyard where a mid-sec- 1 will be fitted increasing the tainer carrying capacity from $3 TEU to 4229 TEU. To date, Jurong Shipyard has car- i out successful elongation works more than 35 vessels. >urance Rates To »Based On Tanker je And Design London underwriters reportedly ve decided that pollution cover- e rates for tankers carrying oil )uld be based on the tankers age Ld design features. The new rate ructure will establish the insur- ice rates charged for the $200 mil- >n of pollution coverage that may ; purchased to supplement the >00-million coverage provided by •otection and indemnity clubs. Under the new rate scheme, a ngle-hulled tanker that is over 25 jars old and that trades in the U.S. ill pay about 64 percent more per RT than a double-hulled tanker p to five years old. For tankers older than 25 years, .le corresponding figures are $0.42 er GRT per voyage or $2.85 per IRT per year. Double-hull tankers uilt during or after 1987 will be ligible for a 15 percent reduction in he coverage rates, while double- lottom tankers will be given a 12.5 tercent reduction. As a result, the ildest single-hull tankers trading in he U.S. will pay about 64 percent nore for supplemental pollution cov- irage than new double-hull tankers )f equal gross tonnage. Japan To Fund Spill-Response Equipment For Southeast Asia Japan has reportedly decided to provide six southeast Asian coun- tries with approximately $90 mil- lion for improving their spill-re- sponse capabilitis. The Japanese government reportedly made the decision to provide the funds in the wake of the Maersk Navigator spill off Indonesia. The countries receiving the aid - Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand - will reportedly use the money to purchase spill-response equipment and supplies they believe are most needed to fight pollution. In a similar program, The Petro- leum Association of Japan, in coop- eration with Japan's Ministry of In- ternational Trade and Industry, is providing funding and technical as- sistance to private organizations in Southeast Asia to help them respond more efficiently and effectively to oil pollution. Cospolich Refrigerator Co. Doubles Production Capacity To Offer Faster Service Cospolich Refrigerator Co. of New Orleans, a designer and manufac- turer of marine and institutional refrigerators, has more than doubled its production and warehouse space due to increased demand for the company's expanding line of refrig- erators, custom refrigerator/freezer doors and quick chill cabinets. Mark Whitfield, Cospolich president, said, "Once installed, Cospolich refrigerators are known for their trouble-free operation, du- rability and ease of maintenance. Another advantage is that the con- densing unit is rail mounted in front of the unit, making mainte- nance, repairs or parts replacement quick and easy by ship's or galley personnel." Cospolich was founded in New Orleans in 1937 and has experi- enced steady product and economic growth since then. The company builds and stocks a complete line of conventional refrigerators as well as modules for quick assembly and delivery. For more information on Cospolich Refrigerator Co., Circle 71 on Reader Service Card Circle 252 on Reader Service Card MANY CRANES TO MANY OWNERS CARGO CRANES SERVICE CRANES OFFSHORE CRANES HAGGLUNDS HAGGLUNDS INC 50 CHESTNUT RIDGE ROAD MONTVALE. NEW JERSEY 07645 USA TEL.: 201-391 8930 FAX: 201-391 8694 Autronica Marine, Drammensvn. 126,0277 Oslo, Norway, Phone: +47 22 55 34 10, Fax: 447 22 55 30 46 Autronica Marine U.S.A. Inc., 234 Industrial Parkway, Northvale, N.J. 07647, Phone: 1 201 768 1886, Fax: 1 201 768 2570 Engine Room Automation - Cargo Automation - Fire Detection - Power Supply Autronica Marine The Autronica Group employs more than 500 people in development, production and marketing of electronic systems and equipment. Autronica has been a market leader since the very beginning in 1957. The product range includes radar-based level gauging systems for cargo tanks, engine and cargo alarm, control and moritoring systems and analogue, addressable fire detection systems. Autronica is a main producer of temperature sensors and pressure transmitters for the marine and off- shore market. The reference list includes deliveries to nearly 9000 ships. Protecting environment, life and property... -flllTRDNICR- Autronica AS Award for Achievement Safety at Sea PREPOSITION Miiifwi SEALIFT June, 1993 Circle 188 on Reader Service Card 143