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IDB Circle 83 on Reader Service Card IDB Mobile Communications, Inc., Washington, D.C., is one of the first mobile satellite service compa- nies to provide Inmarsat service to and from all four ocean regions at one price. IDB serves global maritime, land and aeronautical mobile markets through its earth station network in Staten Island, N.Y., Niles Canyon, Calif., and Gnangara, Australia. Oceansat, an IDB subsidiary, re- cently announced a move to broad- cast its eight native-language news- papers and TV vidoetext news pro- gram to nearly 70 cruise ships. Broadcast significantly reduces op- erating costs for ship management companies and IDB is now offering broadcast services via Inmarsat to ships. IDB operates several special services that allow greater econo- mies and improved efficiencies in its mobile satellite services. KENWOOD Circle 73 on Reader Service Card To help mariners comply with the latest government regulations, the Marine Communications Division of Kenwood USA Corporation, Long Beach, Calif., has introduced a new TKM-707 single-sideband receiver that meets the U.S. Coast Guard's 27.5 MHz transmission frequency requirement. Kenwood also intro- duced a version of its popular TKM- 407 Marine Transceiver in black. The DOD will be adding Kenwood's marine transceivers to its inventory as the Defense Elec- tronic Supply Center recently as- signed "factory stock status" to the TKM-207 Deluxe VHF Marine Handheld Transceiver. The entire Kenwood line of marine transceiv- ers are backed with a full three-year warranty. KODEN Circle 79 on Reader Service Card Koden's marine electronics line, distributed in North America by SI- TEX, of Clearwater, Fla., includes the Koden MD-3600 and MD-3630 radars. Both models combine a high- resolution, 10-inch display with a three-kW power output and have minimum ranges of l/8th NM for close-in maneuvering while pilot- ing. The MD-3600 incorporates a com- pact radome antenna and has a maximum range scale of 32 NM. The MD-3630's maximum range is 48 NM utilizing a three-foot open scanner. Each radar displays screen images in four levels of brightness depending on target-echo intensity. Zoom capability magnifies the size of any target without changing the range scale. Other radar features include: automatic tuning and pulse length selection for maximum receiver sen- sitivity at all times; an economy power mode that turns off the CRT when screen image is not required, but leaves alarm zones activated; and an NMEA 0183 interface that permits input from external naviga- tion sensors to provide screen dis- plays of Latitude/Longitude for Lo- ran TD position data. LITTON Circle 81 on Reader Service Card Litton Special Devices, of Spring- field, Pa., has introduced a new EPIRB model Micro "B" that is one of the smallest Class "B" devices on the market. The Class "B" EPIRBs are stored in life rafts, lifeboats and recreational craft where size, weight and cost are critical factors. The Micro "B" is slightly larger than a pack of cigarettes and weighs 12 ounces. Powered by a lithium battery with a shelf life of five years, the unit transmits on dual frequen- cies (121.5 MHz and 243 MHz) used to home on by civilian and military search and rescue forces. The unique audio tone frequencies can be de- tected by aircraft, ships and the COSPASS/SARSAT satellite system to locate vessels in distress. The Micro "B" EPIRB is manu- ally activated and deployed and meets all FCC requirements. The Megapulse Accufix 500N+ integrated naviga- tion receiver. RAY202 and RAY201 VHF radios from Raytheon Marine. Sperry Marine's MK-4217R Rasterscan River Ra- dar. IF MONEY TALKS AT YOUR COMPANY ... INTEGRATOR Mobile-Coml2 WILL MAKE YOU LISTEN Mobile-Coml2 will pay for itself in less than one year — guaranteed! In comparison after comparison of actual communication billings, Mobile- Coma's unique least-cost routing has been proven to save at least 28 percent for the average user by automatically selecting the least expensive satellite car- rier. Let us show you how much you can save month after month. Mobile-Coml2 fits GMDSS like a glove; it automates and simplifies your shipboard communications. In the GMDSS environment, efficient and cost effective operation of your communica- tions equipment demands expert selection of circuit media and routing. Only through the decision-making, record-keeping, and call automation provided by Mobile-Coml2 can this mission be optimally accomplished whether one vessel or fleet-wide. Mobile-Coml2 is the maritime industry's premier communication system integrator. Its patented digital technology offers the reliability and flexibility that proves itself every day at sea, in remote locations and in international communication centers throughout the world. Mobile-Coml2 makes your communications center a savings center. Beyond least-cost routing, Mobile-Coml2 affords big savings by detecting and selecting less costly channels, such as cellular and land-line circuits or any future communication networks. All procedures, incoming and outgoing, are completely automated, freeing crew members to perform other duties. Discreet signal condi- tioning assures that fax and data communications are transmitted and received in the shortest on-line time. Call or Fax us now ... learn how Mobile-Coml2 will improve the efficiency and cost savings of every shipboard operation. WORLD COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 11834 Canon Boulevard • Suite J 1 • Newport News, VA 23606 • Phone:804-873-7753 • Fax:804-873-7760 Circle 267 on Reader Service Card March, 1993 35