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azza Marine Awarded •ntract To Supply Air mditioning Equipment Mazza Marine Service, Cocoa ach, Fla., has been awarded a val ordnance contract to supply chnicold Engine-driven air con- doning on two patrol vessels, lis equipment allows air-condi- ining without an onboard gen- ator and utilizes a new environ- sntally friendly R134 refriger- tt. For additional literature de- ribing the air conditioning sys- ms offered by Mazza Marine, Circle 114 on Reader Service Card vaerner Orderbook tands At $3 Billion With the possibility of a cruise lip contract for Kvaerner Masa- ard and an order for a antainership from Kvaerner /arnow, the orderbook for the [orwegian based Kvaerner ship- uilding group stands at approxi- lately $3 billion with 37 vessels n order. During 1993 the group expects o deliver about 17-18 vessels, ac- ordingto Diderik Schnitler, ex- cutive vice president in charge of hipbuilding for Kvaerner. The Lrst ship to be delivered is a 90,000- [wt specialized product carrier, vhich is presently under construc- ion at the Kvaerner Masa-Yard in Turku, Finland. Mr. Schnitler indicated that vork at some of the yards which ire well off will continue well into L995. However, he said that iCvaerner's prices will not be Iropped to provide employment for /ards which are in the process of -unning out of work and will be standing idle. According to reports, the yards based in Finland and Norway will probably benefit the most from in- ternational work due to the con- tinued abolishment of subsidies, since they presently are receiving the least amount of assistance from their governments. At the present time Kvaerner operates nine yards with a total of about 10,000 employees: four Kvaerner-Kleven yards in Norway; two Kvaerner Masa yards in Fin- land; Kvaerner Warnow in Ger- many; Kvaerner Govan in Scot- land; and a repair yard based in Gibraltar. The group is reported to be among the world's five larg- est shipbuilders. Four Oil Tankers May Switch To Nigerian Flag In Joint Venture Agreement With the announcement of the signing of a joint venture agree- March, 1993 ment between Veritas Chartering, Inc., and Paflok International Ma- rine Services, Ltd., as many as four oil tankers could be switched to Nige- rian registry this year. Under the agreement, Paflok will ship Nigerian crude oil to the U.S. and Europe. According to the presi- dent of Veritas Chartering, Nicho- las Skarvelis, the purpose of the joint venture is to aid in the promo- tion of the Nigerian merchant ma- rine industry while operating a prof- itable shipping company. By the middle of this year, Mr. Skarvelis indicated that at least one tanker with a capacity of about 140,000 tons will either be purchased or chartered and switched to the Nigerian flag. The company aims to convert four tankers to Nigerian reg- istry by the end of the year. In 1990, Nigeria produced some 13.7 billion barrels of oil, most of which was shipped to the U.S. and Western Europe. The joint venture will also be in- volved in shipments of other cargoes such as fertilizer exports from the U.S. to Nigeria. For the fertilizer trade, Mr. Skarvelis stated that bulk ships with capacities of 40,000 tons will be chartered. High Quality fZcqtW1 Low Cost Upgrade your boat with the afford- able, user-friendly, waterproof Raytheon Raystar 390 GPS. Fea- tures include a large, easy-view LCD; 300 waypoints with up to 10 routes; alphanumeric naming of waypoints; multiple chart datums; cross-track error indicator; NMEA 0180/0183 output; man overboard function, and much more. With Raystar 390, you don't have to give up the high quality you want for the price you need. See your local dealer for details or contact: RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY 46 River Road Hudson, NH 03051 USA Tel: 603 881-5200 Fax: 603 881-4756 Telex: 681-7529 Mail to: RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY 46 River Road Hudson, NH 03051 USA Please send me more information on the RAYSTAR 390 GPS. NAME ADDRESS 3/93 TELEPHONE. BOAT SIZE _TYPE . No one covers the world of navigation like Raytheon. Raytheon Specifications subject to change without notice. Circle 267 on Reader Service Card 87